7. "and those dreaded souls will say, 'just not thin enough'" (angstbur drabble)

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BIIIIIGGGG TW FOR ED. Like if you are suffering from an ed and reading about it could possibly trigger relapse DONT FUCKING READ OR I WILL SEND MY KANGAROO ARMY TO YOUR DOORSTEP. also self dep.

( h y p o c r i t e )

Yeah more Will. Mostly because these are self projections and venting into a book and I relate a lot to Wilbur ngl so ye. If you're sick of him though, firstly fck you, second let me know and i'll steer clear for a bit.

Also obviously he suffers from body dysmorphia in this and his views aren't accurate.

Wilbur stared at himself in the mirror, unable to tear his eyes away.

For the most part, he avoided them like the plague, keeping his eyes downcast due to the wave of disgust he felt when he saw himself.

But he'd slipped into the bathroom, shirtless, to grab his anti-psychotics and had accidently met eyes with himself in the glass surface.

He felt like retching from the sight of himself. 

His arms were stick thin and his ribs showed easily through his skin. His chest was pale compared to the rest of him, due to the fact that he never went anywhere without an oversized sweatshirt. 

He was so skinny and frail and gross

He wanted to eat more, get healthier again. But he knew the second he did he'd be even fucking fatter. 

While his arms and legs were disgustingly thin when he placed a hand on his stomach and pinched the skin, he still felt all the extra unnecessary fat. 

Why the fuck did he have to be so goddamn ugly.

He sighed in annoyance and left the bathroom, ignoring his growling stomach and finishing getting dressed. When he went downstairs Techno was watching youtube on his phone and Tommy was eating breakfast at the table.

Wilbur walked over and ruffled the blondes hair, putting on a smile. "Hey Tommy!"

"Hey Will." the blonde monotoned, pushing his big brothers hand away. 

Wilbur flicked Tommy's ear, trying to get him to look up, but Tommy whirled around.

"Jesus christ Will, what do you want!?" he practically yelled, pushing the brunettes hand away again.

Wilbur froze, making an effort to keep his shaky smile in place.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. He already felt like shit from the morning and Tommy's words stung deeper than they should've.

"N-nothing." he left, fastwalking back to his room. 

Fuck. He fucked it up. Of course he did. His brother was sick of him.

Why did he have to be so fucking annoying, and horrid, and bad at relating to people?

His brother was goddamn sick of him, he knew it. Jesus why couldn't he just be normal? Just be- be lovable. 

He headed downstairs at the last minute possible, skipping breakfast. 

He didn't deserve it. No one cared any way.

really short, only 400 words  :) 

schlattbur oneshot coming soon

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