3. "I don't live in darkness." (Ghosts angst)

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Ghostbur & Glatt shit. Hope it's what you meant! I kinda got sidetracked..
TW: uuuuuhh mentions of death & violence.
This a bit shorter - I wanted to finish it before I leave for holidays but since I'm writing in the car that failed


Ghostbur was sat ontop a tree at the edge of Logstedshire, overlooking the sea.

He pulled up a corner of his sweatshirt, running his hand over the large scar going right through his stomach from when he died. There was another scar above it, an arrow wound in his shoulder but he couldn't quite remember where it was from.

"That was a good day." a voice said from behind Will.

The tall brunette looked up, spotting another male sitting on a tree opposite him. The other wore a blue sweatshirt similar to Ghostbur's yellow one and had dark ram horns poking out from amongst his shaggy brown hair.

His clothes were slightly scuffed, stained with a dark red liquid- probably wine, Ghostbur guessed from the tone. He had a little stubble growing on his chin and a wry smile on his face.

"Who are- who are you?" Ghostbur asked curiously.

The other plonked himself down with a smile. "I'm Glatt! I'm a ghost now too, Wilby."

"I don't- I don't remember, sorry." the tall ghost admitted, flashing an apologetic smile.

Glatt pulled his knees up to his chest and eyed the other. "That scar was from when I got elected. I don't know entirely what happened. You were exiled though! Lot's of people seemed happy about that, I remember. That's when you got shot. I don't know where the other scar's from though."

Ghostbur nodded. "Oh- ok. I don't really remember that. Or who you are. Sorry." he paused, looking back at the stab wound before responding to the other. "That's from.. my death. Philza- Dad killed me. Everyone loves him for it though, so it's ok."

"Oh cool!" he paused. "So... you really don't remember me, Will?"

Ghostbur tugged awkwardly at his yellow jumper, idly looking at the blood stained hole at the front. "No... and- please don't call me Will. Th-that was Alivebur's nickname, and no one liked him very much."

"I don't think-" Glatt paused, thinking though his words before continuing. "I don't think people liked me all too much either. I don't really remember much of my time here. I remember Quackity though! He was funny a lot. But.. when I tried to talk to him he told me to fuck off and not come back."

"Oh. Sorry." He paused, before laughing slightly. "That happened to me. With Fundy, actually. You know , my son?"

The other ghost paused, before nodding.

"Yeah, well he doesn't like me anymore. I don't really know why." he gave a dry chuckle, his previous happiness gone. "Only that I fucked up so bad my son won't even talk to me. He's getting adopted, you know? He- he's going to- to fucking replace me." Ghostbur's eyes prickled with tears before he willed them away. He could already tell that in an hour he wouldn't remember this conversation, so why not let it all out.

"I miss him so much. I remember when he was young- I didn't even know he was a boy back then. But we would play for hours and chat and- then I started l'manberg. A whole country to keep him safe. He seemed so proud that I was his dad. Then I don't know what on earth happened, except that I'm dead and he hates me."

Glatt nodded sympathetically. "I remember Fundy. He seemed nice enough. It was him, me, Quackity and Tubbo. It was fun. Especially with Tubbo." he recounted with a smile. "Cute kiddo. He was always happy to be included. Now I heard he's president? How the fuck did that happen? He just grew up so fast I guess.." the ram hybrid let out a shaky sigh. "How did that innocent kid end up as a goddamn president, making all these decisions.

"I was watching over his shoulder the other day and he exiled Tommy. Weren't they always friends?"

Ghostbur nodded. "It's crazy watching all the shit they pull. I'm glad they're all having fun though! Apparently everything's gotten much better since we.."

The word 'died' hung in the air, unsaid by either of them , but the meaning was clear.

Glatt nodded. "Yeah. It's - it's weird watching them all run around so loudly. Only being able to really watch."

He paused and the silence between them was strained and awkward.

The two ghosts had all the unpleasant memories blocked from their heads. Neither of them liked serious topics or admitting their pain.

But goddamn it had taken a toll on them. They needed to get it out for once. To admit that they were not fucking ok.

"I miss it." Glatt whispered. " I really fucking miss it."

"Miss what? Being.. being.." Will trailed off.

"Alive. Being fucking alive. Now there's only empty words and meaningless deeds. Knowing nothing you fucking do has a goddamn purpose anymore because your goddamn dead. Knowing that you.. that you can't even be fucking sad because you'll forget it the next day."

Ghostbur's eyes prickled with tears. He wanted to leave, go and be happy away from this person. But it was all so true.

"And- and knowing that people don't listen to you anymore" he said quietly, before anger caused his raw voice to raise. "Because your dead now. So why should they give a fuck. Why should they even bother hear you out. When they can just ignore you like you don't exist. Like- just because you have to be happy you can't feel anymore. Like you don't feel every rejection like- like a fucking knife through you're heart."

A tear fell past his eye before he quickly wiped it away, lowering his gaze. He took a shaky breath out. "It's like- I'm right there. I'm still a person. I'm not just a spectacle for you to laugh at and use. FUCK." Ghostbur yelled, standing up and looking out over the sea in annoyance.

Glatt watched.


Glatt stood up, crossing to where ghostbur stood and wrapping him in a hug. As if it flicked a switch the others aggressive posture collapsed and he started heaving sobs into the others arm. Glatt rubbed his back , his own silent tears slipping past his chin.

The two stayed like that for an hour, crying until their tears were exhausted and their heads pounded. Crying until they fell into an exhausted sleep next to each other, praying to dear lord that they would remember, that they could go back to normal.

And if not for that? Then for proper, permanent death.

The next morning when Ghostbur woke up next to a sleeping Glatt he was confused.

Who was this man? But he didn't question it, slowly moving out of his grasp and sitting up. He remembered Tommy asking him to build another tent, so he hopped up with a relaxed smile on his face and his pick axe in hand.

No one bothered saying hello as he passed, but that was ok. He was content to just float around without aim, helping however he could.

Ummm let me know if u want a part two or other ghost stuff

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