chapter 8

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The next day Reagan and Gibbs went to work pretty easily, around 6:30 a.m., and started to do some paperwork.
After about an hour and a half Reagan heard the doors of the elevator open and saw Mcgee and Nick coming out of it but apparently they didn't see her so they continued talking while walking to the bullpen
"Ya know Mcgee, I don't think she's that bad as an agent but if it happens that I go undercover I don't want to go with her, I don't think I trust her enough"
"Yeah ok Nick, but what's the big of a deal like it's not that you have to fall in love with her, you just have to work with her that's all, and now stop behaving like a kid, and stop treating her like that. We all miss Bishop but treating Reagan like that won't make her get out of coma any faster"
When Reagan heard her name she had the confirm that they were talking about her and noticed that they didn't see her so not to make the situation any more awkward that it was already she said
"Oh, good morning, guys"
"Good morning, Reagan" Mcgee replied with a smile on his face but was kinda sure that she heard everything they said on their way to the bullpen.
Nick, as always, didn't reply to Reagan's 'good morning' and just looked at her and nodded.
"Came to work early this morning eh Reagan?" Mcgee said still smiling
"Ehm,yeah" she replied and smiled back at Mcgee but then looked down at the computer screen
"So... Reagan" said Nick and she looked up to face him
"Yeah?" she said
"Where's Gibbs?" Nick wanted to know while looking at Gibbs' desk, Reagan looked at Gibbs' desk as well and then back at Nick
"Oh ehm, I don't know. I thought he was sitting at his desk, or at least he was there for awhile, maybe he went to get his coffee. I don't know" Reagan replied
"Yeah, maybe"
"Maybe what, Torres?"
"Oh no, nothing Gibbs. We were just wondering where you were" answered Nick a bit embarrassed
"Stop wondering and star working, we have a crime to solve" said Gibbs annoyed
"On it, boss" Nick and Mcgee replied while Reagan continued working.

All four agents worked in silence for a couple of hours when at some point Vance appeared on the stairs and was looking down at his agents
"Agent Reagan, may I speak with you for a minute?" Vance asked her
"Sure, Director. I'm coming" she replied, Vance turned around and started to walk to his office.
Reagan got up from the chair and while she was walking to the stairs Nick said
"Oooh, someone's in trouble hahaha"
"Oh shut up, Torres" Reagan replied and went to Vance's office.
After some time Reagan came back and sat at her desk without saying a word.
Nick and Mcgee looked at her and then at each other, Gibbs at that point decided to go and get another coffee but before he left he said "you two get back to work"
"Yes boss" Mcgee and Nick said in unison

The day went by pretty normal nothing actually happened and now it was about 7:30 p.m. Gibbs said
"It's late you can go home"
Mcgee and Torres started to pack their stuff and a few seconds later Mcgee said
"Good night, Boss"
"Night, Mcgee" Gibbs replied, then Mcgee added
"Good night, Reagan"
"Good night, Mcgee" she replied with a smile.
Later on also Nick left and Gibbs and Reagan stayed a little longer in the bullpen.

It was now almost 8 o'clock p.m. and Reagan said
"We should probably go now, don't you think Gibbs?"
"Yes, you're right" he said and grabbed his things and went to the elevator.

The two agents arrived at Gibbs' place and after they ate dinner Reagan said
"Gibbs I gotta tell you something"
"Yeah, what is it Reagan?"
"It's about the undercover mission"
"Oh ok"
"I wanted to tell you before Vance"
"Reagan talk!"
"Well I know who's going undercover"
"Oh yeah, and who is it?"
"It's me and Sloane" Reagan said kinda scared of what could happen next
"WHAT?!" Gibbs started to yell and added
"WELL DON'T YELL AT ME, I DIDN'T DECIDE THIS" Reagan replied yelling
Gibbs didn't reply
"But what's the problem with that ?" Reagan asked
"WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?!" Gibbs said yelling again and added

A second of silence passed and then Gibbs continued
"I'm worried about Sloane, I mean I know you can do it because you been undercover before, but Jack, she never been undercover since she joined NCIS and if something happens to her and I'm not there to help her, I will never forgive myself"
"You love her, don't you?"
"What?! No I don't"
"Oh yes you do"
Gibbs glared at her
"Ok, fine" Reagan said with her hands up in surrender and then added
"You know Gibbs, I get that, I get that you're worried about her it's normal to be scared of losing someone that you really care about. But I will be with her the whole time, I promise you nothing will happen to her"
Gibbs didn't say anything again
Reagan then asked him
"She was in the Armey right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"So she knows how it is to go on a mission, she's been to Afghanistan when the US were fighting with them, don't you think she's strong enough to handle also this one?"
"She's the strongest woman I know, but she got hurt back then, I mean emotionally hurt. And I don't want that to happen to her again"
"So you think that if she doesn't go undercover she'll never get hurt again?"
"Yes, maybe"
"Gibbs this is our job, if you don't get hurt sometimes then you're not doing it right"
"I know but she doesn't deserve to suffer that much again"
"Gibbs I'll protect her, I'll do anything, trust me. I know you don't like this whole thing, but I promise you I'll risk my life to save hers don't you worry"
"Ok" Gibbs replied without looking at her, he could barely talk he felt tears coming in his eyes the thought of him losing Jack made him feel so sad, then he looked up at her and stared at her in pain
"Gibbs I know it's hard, but we can't do anything about it you just have to trust me ok? I know what to do so don't worry"
"Ok, fine" Gibbs replied and went to grab a beer in the kitchen.

On his way to the kitchen he turned around and said
"Reagan, you want a beer"
"Yep, thanks" she replied
They drink their beers and then Reagan went to bed and Gibbs went to his basement to work on his boat and thinking about what happened before with Reagan.

He worked in the basement for about two and a half hours and around 2 o'clock in the morning he felt tired and went to sleep as well.

little note from me: I hope you like it, let me know what you think of the fanfiction, let me know what you think will happen next and if you were right about who would go undercover in the comments
And thank you for taking the time to read my fanfiction :) it means a lot to me

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