chapter 4

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Once Reagan placed her stuff on her desk Nick looked at her and then walked up the stairs and went to Vance's office.
When Nick got in front of the door he stormed in and Vance, that at the moment was at his phone said " Now I have to go, we'll talk soon" and after a little pause he added "Yes, good bye" and ended the call.
When Vance ended the call Nick shouted at him "WHY? WHY HER? WHY DID YOU REPLACE BISHOP THIS FAST? SHE'S NOT EVEN DEAD AND YOU REPLACE HER LIKE THAT?" "Agent Torres!" Vance interrupted him and then added with a serious tone "What are you talking about? I didn't replace Agent Bishop" "THEN WHY IS "AGENT" REAGAN HERE THEN?" asked Nick, still shouting at Vance
"Agent Torres, Agent Reagan is here to help NCIS with the cases until Agent Bishop is in the hospital, the commission and I thought that it might be helpful to have another agent in the team" said Vance calmly and firmly
"Yeah ok ,I get that but why her? Like why one of the L.A. NCIS couldn't come?"
"Hetty had a big case that required all her agents so nobody could come here but what is wrong with her? You don't even know her"
"Yeah Ok. You're right Director." said Nick annoyed
"Good, now go back to your work" but before Nick could leave Vance's office Vance said
"Oh and Agent Torres, I want you to treat Agent Reagan well and to give her a chance"
"Yes Director, I will" Nick said even more annoyed than before and then left Vance's office.

Nick entered the bullpen and Reagan and Mcgee looked at each other from their desks wondering if something was wrong with Nick.

After a little while Gibbs came in the room and said in he's usual tone "Grab your gear" and walked towards the elevator and all the agents got their stuff and followed him.

Once they got in the elevator Gibbs said " Dead Marine in Brookmont 62nd road" and then gave the orders
"Mcgee, you go with Torres. Reagan, you're with me" then the elevator doors opened and they went to their cars and went to the crime scene.

In Gibbs' car Reagan was silent for a while but then Gibbs broke the silence and asked her "So Reagan, you've got anywhere to stay while your here in DC?"
"Honestly I didn't find a place to stay right now but i'm looking for one"
"Well if you need you can stay at my place until you don't find one of your own" said Gibbs, and Reagan looked at him in shock and then she said
"Wow Agent Gibbs that is so kind of you but I think I have to decline your offer, you know I would never want to disturb you like that and would never stay at my boss's house "
"Oh you don't disturb me at all and I insist, it's really not a problem for me to have you over" said Gibbs and Reagan ,even more shocked than before, said "Well if you insist I will accept your offer, that's very generous of you Agent Gibbs. Thank you so much Sir."
"No problem, Agent Reagan. And don'tcall me Sir."he said while driving
"Ok, Agent Gibbs"
The ride continued and both of them stayed silent for the rest of it.

In the meantime in Mcgee's car Nick asked him " Mcgee, can I ask you something?" "Sure Torres, what is it?" replied Mcgee
"What do you think about Agent Reagan?"
"Oh well she seems nice but I barely know her so I can't tell you exactly what I think about her, but why are you asking Nick?"
"Don't know, just wondering"
"Oh ok" said Mcgee and continued driving to the crime scene.

When all the agents got to the crime scene Gibbs gave the orders again "Torres you take the photos, Reagan you bag and tag all evidences and Mcgee your with me talking with the family "
"Ok, boss" the agents said in unison and went to do their job.

The crime scene was in a big house on the 62nd road.
The crime scene was the living room of the house and there was blood everywhere and the body was laying on a puddle of blood but there were blood stains on the floor that went from the kitchen to where the body was.
Reagan followed the blood stains to the kitchen and found a knife behind the trash can , she picked it up, bagged it and tagged it then she went to the living room where Jimmy was examining the body and Torres was talking photos.
Reagan entered the living room and said "Palmer, I found a knife covered with blood behind the trash can in the kitchen, but I don't think it's the murder weapon"
"You're right Mary. The victim didn't die for the knife wounds on his abdomen, they aren't deep enough to kill him, but for a fire gun wound, he was shot in his chest" said Jimmy
"Oh I see, well, what's the time of death, Palmer?" asked Reagan
"I'd say around 3:00 am this morning"
"Hmm...but why would the killer stab the victim before killing him? It makes no sense"
"We better find out Reagan" said Nick, that was standing a few feet apart from them "You're right, Torres. Well thanks Palmer" said Reagan while she was leaving the crime scene with Nick
"No problem, Mary" said Jimmy and then he put the body into a big black bag and put it in the van.

Then Nick and Reagan exited the house and Reagan saw that Gibbs and Mcgee were done talking with the victim's family and got closer to Mcgee and said "Hey Mcgee, can I ask you something?" "Sure you can ,Reagan. What's up?" he replied
"Well I was wondering if Gibbs is usually so nice or not ?"
"Oh... that is one hell of a question Reagan. But to answer it, Gibbs is like a father to all of us and he's a nice man, he cares about his family and the ones he loves but won't say it, why you asking?"
"Well when we were in the car he asked me if I had a place to go to, here in DC but when I said no he offered me to stay at his place until I don't find one of my own, and I declined it but he insisted and I was shocked about that"
"Wow he really did that?"
"Yeah! I was surprised too"
"Well he never done anything like that for a probie before"
"Don't call me probie Mcgee"
"Oh ok. Can I ask you something too Reagan?"
"When Gibbs said 'Grab your gear' you knew exactly what to do like you always do that, how?"
Before she could answer Mcgee's question Gibbs said "Reagan, you're with Mcgee now, Torres you're with me"
Mcgee and Reagan got in the car and Mcgee drove away from the crime scene to the headquarters.

During the trip to NCIS headquarters Reagan said "You know Mcgee, I was in the Navy before I joined the NYC Homicides squad so to answer the question I knew what to do because my Sergeant was used to say that and also because I read all the files about the team"
"Oh I get it. Did you really read all the files?"
"Yes, why are you so shocked Mcgee? I always read the files of the people I work or i'm going to work with "
"Oh that's cool, I am not used to do so"
"That's ok"
"But still I can't figure out why Gibbs offered you to stay at his place"
"Yeah me neither"

After some time they arrived at the NCIS headquarters, Mcgee parked his car in the parking lot and both of them got out of the car and entered the building.

little note from me: let me know what you think about it and hope you like the fanfiction

Nick seemed a little mad, what ya think?

Why can't Nick just be nice to her like Mcgee, he doesn't even know her?

Will he get used to see her everyday?

What do you think will happen next?

Let me know what you think

Thank you so much for reading <3

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