chapter 1

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It was a cold and rainy evening in DC and Ellie was packing her stuff and getting ready to leave when Nick entered the bullpen and approached Ellie's desk. "Hey Ellie! You're going home now?" asked Nick "Yes, finally. I'm so tired and I just wanna go home now" answered Ellie. Nick looked at her while she was leaving but, before she left Nick said "Ellie...!" "Yes Nick?" she asked "Good night" he replied "See ya tomorrow Torres" said Ellie and then she left.

After the elevator doors open Ellie went  out of the building and got in her car and started driving home.
It was dark and rainy and suddenly another car came out of nowhere and hit Ellie's car that skidded, ran off the road and hit a tree. The person driving the other car got out of it and ran to see if Ellie was ok, the person found her unconscious with her head laying on the steering wheel. The person checked her pulse and the called the ambulance.

After a little while the ambulance arrived with the police and while the paramedics carried Ellie in the ambulance after putting her on a stretcher, the cops took under custody the person that caused the accident.

Ellie was in a bad shape and once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the paramedics brought her in and the doctors went in an operating room since Ellie had to go under surgery.

After long hours of surgery, the doctors brought Ellie into her room and called NCIS to inform them about Ellie's condition since they found ID that said that she was a federal agent and worked for NCIS.

Once Vance got the call, he immediately called Gibbs.
The phone rang three times and then Gibbs answered it.
"Yes Leon, what is it?" Gibbs asked
"Gibbs, I've got a phone call from the Washington General, they said that Agent Bishop is recovered there" Vance replied.
Gibbs didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and then he said " Ok, I'll call Jack, Torres and Mcgee and we'll all meet at the hospital" "Ok, see you there Gibbs" Vance said and then hung up.

Gibbs called everyone, like he said he would, and headed to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital he saw that Vance was already there and was talking to a doctor so Gibbs decided to give him some space and wait 'till Vance was done taking with the doctor.

After a few minutes the doctor left and Vence turned around and saw Gibbs standing there and waiting for him, so he decided to go and talk to him.

"How is she?" Gibbs asked. "She's fine for now, she's been under surgery for many hours and the doctors say that she's fine but she's in a coma right now and they don't know when she'll wake up" Vance informed Gibbs.

In the meantime Jack, Nick and Mcgee got to the hospital and walked towards them.
"What happened?" asked Jack. "Agent Bishop had a car accident this evening " Vance explained.
"So how is she now?" Nick asked with concern. "She's fine but she's in a coma right now" Vance said.
"Can we see her, Director?" Mcgee asked.
Vance took a few seconds and then replied "The doctors said that Agent Bishop is fine but weak so they said that only one person at the time can see her" "Ok thanks, Director" Mcgee said and then turned to look at Nick, who was looking so worried for Ellie but also a bit angry because someone hurt her, and asked "Do you wanna go in first, Nick?" Nick looked at Mcgee and after a few seconds he replied "Yes, Mcgee, thanks".

Nick got into Ellie's room and when he saw her laying on the hospital bed in those conditions, he couldn't hold back his tears.

Nick walked towards her bed and took the chair that was in the corner of the room , he placed it as close as he could to the hospital bed and sat on it.

Nick was looking at Ellie, she saw intubated and had all those machines attached to her, he was scared of losing her and angry at himself because he wasn't there when the accident happened and that he wasn't there to save her.
He didn't say anything though, he just looked at her and held her hand in his for a few minutes with tears in his eyes.

In the meanwhile Gibbs, Jack, Vance and Mcgee went to the waiting room.
"I'm going to get some coffee, does anyone want to come?" said Gibbs "Yeah, I'm coming with you Gibbs" said Jack and then added "Do you guys want something?" "No thanks, Jack" Mcgee and Vance replied .

Gibbs and Jack headed to the cafeteria of the hospital to get their coffees.
After Gibbs got the two cups of  coffee he handed one to Jack, she grabbed it and said "Thank you, Cowboy" and he replied with a smirk on his face and they started walking together towards the waiting room.

After a little while Nick came out of Ellie's room and the others stood up from the chairs they were sitting on and Jack asked "Does she look that bad?" "No, but she's all intubated and had all those machines attached to her, I just can't..." Nick replied as he tried to control himself from letting tears fall on his face, Jack got closer to him and hugged him a little tight while rubbing his back and then said "She's going to be fine,Nick"

After his  hug with  Jack  ended, he walked over to Vance and asked "Director, could I stay here with Ellie for three days please?" "Sure you can Agent Torres, but you have to get some rest as well" said Vance "I will Director, but tonight I'm not leaving her, I'll get my stuff tomorrow morning " said Nick "Let me ask the doctor if you can stay here " said Vance and went to look for a doctor.

Eventually Vance came back and said "The doctor said that you can stay here for as much time as you want as long as Agent Bishop isn't stressed out too much" "Thanks, Director" said Nick.

After everyone visited Ellie in her room Gibbs,Jack,Vance and Mcgee left the hospital and headed to their homes while Nick stayed over there, in Ellie's room, for the night.

little note from me: hey guys, I wrote this fanfiction months ago but only now I decided to post it, so if it isn't so great its because it was my first time writing a fanfiction, anyway I really hope you like it and please let me know what you think about it.
Stay tuned for the next chapter, and don't forget to follow me to get notified every time I post. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, it means a lot <3

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