quarantine #7- drunken tag

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*may or may not be based on a true story*

"dad?" you whispered as you tiptoed around the house silently. "someone?" you whispered into the dark kitchen, and then tiptoed to their bedroom.

one palm on their door, the other on the handle as you slowly and carefully opened the door. the room was dark, but you could see their sleeping figures on the bed. with a sigh, you closed the door again, and ran up to your room.

closing the door silently, you lifted from the bed an almost done bottle of sherry and finished it, and chucked it behind you, and snapped your fingers, but before the apparation was done, the bottle you threw hit something and broke something so loud that it clashed across the house, waking up both your parents in a jump.

"what was that?" sirius asks. "sounds like glass" he says as he gets up from the bed and walks out the door with sirius holding his hand, and they walk upstairs to see down the stairs scattered plates and other utansiles that were in your room, and they get upstairs to your lit room and see your lamp broken on the floor with pieces of glass around. "where is she?" sirius asks. "dont know" remus says as they walk through every room of the house. "do you think she?.." remus asks. "yes" sirius says, shaking his head as he grabs onto remus's hand and apparates to hogwarts, at 1am.


you landed in the gryffindor common room, and walked drunkily to fred and georges dorm. you burst open the door and both boys shot up, scared. "hey!" you smiled widely. "{Y/N}?" "there are two of you?!" you called as you pointed between the twins. "{Y/N} what are you talking about? what are you doing here?" one of the freds said as he got out of bed. "i wanted to see you!" you smiled as you hugged him so tightly, and george looked confused at fred, who awkwardly hugged you.

"how did you get here?" fred asks as he holds onto your shoulders. you reek of alcohol. "i apparated of course" you smiled as you leand your chin on his chest to look up at him. "are you ok?" before you can answer something along the lines of "chinchilas are soft" ron comes into the room with harry.

"whats this noise?" ron asks. "oh god, there are three of you!" you called scared as you pointed between fred george and ron. "what?" "harry!" you called as you ran to him. "they are expanding! theyre going to eat us and we will be fred too!" you whispered loudly in his ear as everyone looked at you confused. "we have to run and keep ourselves safe! in the name of odin!" you grabbed onto harrys hand and tried pulling on him, but to no avail, because you thought he was so so heavy, while you lost balance, trying so hard to pull him. "harry, pace yourself!" you shouted and ran out of the room and uo stairs to "save hermione from the expanding freds".

you burst open the door to her dorm and jumped on her body. "hermione! we have to get out of here! the freds!" you shouted at her before you stood up and walked drunkily to the door, and rolled down the stairs, hermione only waking up and seeing you confused, and followed downstairs.

"{Y/N}!" sirius hissed and you jumped in a shout, pointing at them. "come here.." remus rolled his eyes and started walking towards you but you backed away. "you cant know im here!" you shouted and ran out of the gryffindor common room outside, to the huge castle in scotland. "do we.. are we supposed to find one girl in hogwarts?" george asks as fred slowly nods, while harry and rom explained to hermione the limited information they know about the hapoening.

"lets go" sirius sighs as they all exit the gryffindor common room in the middle of the night and start looking for you. "harry and i will go downstairs, you three" he point between remus, hermione and ron, "look at the east side, and you" he points at the older twins. "west. when you find her, spark a red light and we will meet in the common room again." he says and after a quick nod, everyone runs off silently, scared to wake up anyone else who might find them, or worse, the drunk expelled girl.

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