the real 'professor'

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at night, you were walking alone from the hospital wing, taking a walk around the school, since you were bored. it was after hours and the whole school was asleep, so you were as quiet as you could, so noone will find you.

while you passed the dungeons, you heard a voice... a voice you didnt recognise. you used a spell to light up your way and made your way towards the voices talking, until you came to someones dorm. you pushed the door a little bit, and looked through the little crack in the door to see an amazing thing.

there was a man with a sick look on his face, black hair and his tounge twitching, and he was staring up at a dark sign floating in the air as he talked to it. the room belonged to... professor moody... what the hell? you watched silently as he talked to the dark mark.

"it.. it didnt kill her... the squid, the dragon, the chiamaras... what should i do?" he asks the dark sign, and then a horase voice comes from it. "kill her... just kill her..." the voice says. "shes... powerful" the man said. "shes outside your door..." the sign said, and the black haired man turned around to see the little crack in the door, and through it, your scared {E/C} eyes.

you quickly pushed back and started running through the corridors, and you heard him running after you. "who the hell is this?! what does he want with me?!" you wondered while running until he shouted "imperio!" and you stopped moving.

"look at you..." his voice came as he turned you around and closer to him, and you could clearly see him. "you found out..." he says as he looks at you closly. "you found out im trying to kill you... you found out im barty crouch junior" he smiles and your eyes grew wide. "guess its your time.." he smiles, noddinh slowly and casting "silencio" at you, so you couldnt talk.

"this will make it better..." he smiled snd then shouts "crucio!" and then, he just stares as your body curles and moves, evey part of your body hurts and he laughs, watching your turture with a smile. "guess it was this easy to kill you" he snarrled as he smashed your body on the wall through the side, still using crucio on you. "did you have fun on the tournament?" he asks. "you know, i could spare your life if you just complied to igors first offer to become a death eater" he says as he watches you silently cry and struggle, seeing your vains pumping blood and bruises start forming over your body, just in time for someones call through the corridor.

"whos there?" the voice asks. its mcgongall. you tried screaming, but to no avail, and crouch quickly casts a forgetting spell at you and apparates you to the top of the womping willow, not knowing that you used a spell on yourself long ago, meaning that the forgetting spell worked only half, and you fell unconsious ontop of the womping willow, brused, and jist before you fell unconsious, your body moves to the forbidden forest by 'professor moody', so noone will see you until he can come and kill you totally, and he used legitimance to tell you

"youre lucky"


waking up in the morning, hermione streches her limbs and looks around, your bed is empty, but its ok, she remembers putting you in the hospital wing last night. she stood up and started getting ready like everyday, showering and getting ready for a day in school.

she went down the stairs into the common room to find ron and harry waiting for her. "good morning" she smiled at them. "morning hermione" they smiled at her "do you mind if we go look at {Y/N} before breakfast?" she asks. "no problem, i was going to do it anyway" harry smiled and they left the gryffindor tower towards the hospital wing.

"mr potter, granger, weasley!" someone called behind them and they turned around to see the owner of the loud voice, professor moody. "yes professor" they smiled. "miss black went home to london to recover... shes not at the hospital wing" he says, staring at all of them at the same time. "to london? how, when?" hermione asks, confused. "she is a little more bruised then we thought.." you could hear the tiniest little glimps of happiness in his voice. they stood there in silence for a few seconds until he shouted "off to breakfast you three" he shooes them, and they turn around to leave, confused.


well well welll..... hahaha! the best part stsrts now, reqlly! love love love it!! enjoy!
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yours, the red demon ♧

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