the other shoe drops

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*yep so, it starts when "moody" takes harry to his office after cedrics death... yes, i am lazy*


"its today.." your voice said into the sitting room. "what is?" remus asks. "you know what" you say as you slump down in the armchair. "the final task, yes..." remus sighs. "i wish you could go see it" he mummbled, looking down. "i wish i could win it..." you mummbled, your eyes welling up with tears as you quickly grabbed your book and opened it, making sure he cant see your tears.


"imagine how he will reward me... when he learns, that i silenced the great harry potter, and then, ill go find the girl, and she will be ours..."

"why do you want {Y/N}?" harry asks. "you dont know?" he asks as he looks at harry who shakes his head. "her wand. shes grindelwalds dynasty. shes his incrasion. thats enough!" the professor says as he wips out his wand and casts a spell at harry, but quickly, the door burst open and dumbeldore unwands professor moody as he sends him back in the chair until he hits the wall.

he grabs onto his neck and holds his head up. "severus" he says and the dark professor pours veritaserum into moodys mouth. "do you know who i am?" dumbeldore asks. "alvus dumbeldore" the man beneath him gurgles. "are you alastor moody? are you?" he asks quickly. "no" he simply answers, shocking everyone in the room.

"is he in this room?" dumbeldore asks. he was enraged, and the fakes moodys eye travles to the case in the room, which snape quickly opens with a spell, and one lid after another unlocks, until they can see down, to see the real professor moody sitting at the bottom.

"you alright alastor?" dumbeldore asks down. "im sorry alvus" is his response, heartbreaking. "thats moody, but whos that?" harry asks quickly, and snape smells the fake moodys flask. "polyjuice potion" he reveals. "now we know whos been stealing it from your store severus" alvus sighs and looks back down at alastor.

"we'll get you up in a minute" dumbeldore calls and moody groans, holding his eye, and they turn around at the weird sounds behind them, to see the fake moody starts... disolving. they point their wands at the weird figure, as he tears down his eye and throws it.

"barty crouch j" dumbeldore says as he holds back harry and snape is threatening crouchs neck with his wand. "ill show you mine if you show me yours" barty says and pulls back his sleeve to show the dark mark on his skin. "harry" dumbeldore says shovked. "your arm harry" he pulls him forward and they see his cut straight down and the snake around the line is the blood.

"you know what this means dont you?" barty asks with a sickening smile. "hes back. lord voldemort has returned" he smiles as his tounge twiches, and he starts laughing.

"send him to azkaban... i think theyre missing him in prison" dumbeldore says. "and ill be welcomed back like a hero!" he calls with a sick smile, and dumbeldore pulls harry out of there room, and into his office.


"we have to go tell {Y/N}!" hermione calls and she, harry, ron and dumbeldore apparate into london, and immediatly hermione runs to the door and bangs on it wildly. "herold if thats about your violet cat, {Y/N} didnt do it!" siriuss voice calls from inside. "what.. no no! sirius! its us!" she shouts as she keeps banging on the door, and the second he opens the door they all run in and up the stairs.

"what is happening?" "it wasnt him, she was right, it wasnt moody!" harry calls down stairs and they run all upstairs. "unbelivebale.." remus says as he looks at sirius and quickly they run upstairs too.

hermione bursts open your door, and sees you infront of your desk, wearing a cape and staring at the wall full of conspiracies about moody. "couldnt be... you were so nice with me when you worked my transfer.... why would you... who..." her mutters heard until she heard all the hustle at her door.

she turns around and sees hermione, ron, harry, dumbeldore and her dads at the door, all of them yelling and shouting different things, nothing was understandable, so you grabbed the revolver off your table and shot the cieling a few times until they all shut up.

"one at a time you uncultured swines!" you called and dumbeldore stepped forward and said "the other shoe just dropped"

the room silenced as they all stared at you, you were standing there, staring back at them, frozen. "what..?" you asked quietly. "it wasnt him, its wasnt moody" ron says and you stay quiet for another few seconds.

"oh god... oh god.." she mummbled as she grabbed onto her hairs and tigged at her roots as she slowly fell to her knees. "yes!" she shouted as she threw her fists up in the air in triompth, and then fell forward with her forehead on the floor.

"i was right?!" you called in a shout as tou whipped your head off the floor. "i knew it!" you called as you jumped up to your feet. "i knew it! i told you! i told you all and you didnt believe me!" you jumped on the bed and jumped on it before going down ti the wooden floor again, hugging everyone of them tightly in a rush.

"i was right! just like i said, and you all came back!" you shouted as you pointed at the group infront of you. "i won! im the queen and youre all loosers!" you called in a laugh as you jumoed around, adrenaline pumping through your veins.

"ok, thats good" sirius says as he walks over to you and grabs onto your shoulder to stop you. "come to the sitting room, we will be down in a minute" remus says as he guides everyone down stairs and sirius calms you down.

"i knew it" you said with the biggest smile. "i know you did. you were right" he smiled down at tou as he held your shoulders. "now, calm down so when we go downstairs we can make dumbeldore believe that you are sane and can go back to hogwarts" sirius says with a smirk. "right" you laughed as you calmed down and walked downstairs into the sitting room with a smile, pursing your lips together, trying to contain yourself.


"shame about cedric... i liked him..." you said lowly as you watched your tea stir in the mug you held. "yeah.." hermione sighed. "but its great you won harry! its amazing!" you smilwd at him. "you could win me" he winks at you, making you laugh.

"wait, does that mean.." sirius asks, looking at the old proffesor in thw room, and he looks back at you.

"{Y/N} black, you are welcomed back to hogwarts"


the other shoe drops... its done... youre going bavk! next chapter will include explanation about the... gellert thing😂

i was looking at pictures i could add to this chapter and only found a TONNE of harry potter memes...

stay tuned, comment, vote and follow!

yours, the red demon♧

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