the return (ending?)

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"are you ready?" sirius asked as he helped you tie your shoe lace that opened, while you played with your rings. "oh im more then ready" you grinned. "i was right, and everyone can kiss my ass now" you giggled and sirius hugged you sideways, kissing your head.

"you did so good. never doubted you" he says and you thanked him. "right then, now hes gonna call you and youre gonna make everyone kiss your ass" he says and you listened silently to dumbeldores speech outside the great hall.

"and now, for some happy news. as you all know, about 3 months ago a girl told us something shocking, at the time" he paused. "she barged in here asking the fake moody to confess, and then attacked him, which got her expelled" sirius excitedly pointed at you as you fangirled over yourself infront of noone.

"in the three months she was away she got a little paranoid, and a little mad, but she was right, and im here to apolozie to her infront of everyone in this hall" he says and you smiled. "i am the queen of the world. i just got a public apology from professor dumbeldore" you said and sirius chuckled.

"without further adu, please welcome back to hogwarts miss {Y/N} Black!" he called and everyone clapped as you stepped into the great hall with a huge grin on your face as you bit your lip wuth excitment.

  you passed through the tables and towards the front, back straight and walk to the professors table eith pride, but in the middle of your walk somethung attacked you feom the side, hugging you and both if you and the attacker fell on the floor.

"{Y/N}!" fred shouted as he hugged you tughtly on the floor, and when you realised it was fred, you attacked him in a hug too, turning over so you were on top of him as you squeeled excitidly. "i missed you!" he calls as be starts kissing your face and you giggled. "i missed you too.." you sighed as you kissed his lips lightly, and then you heard throat clearing, so fred stood up and dusted himself off and you did the same and smiled at eavh other before you returnee to your objective, getting to the podium.

finally made it to the front, dumbeldore offered you his hand and you took it, stepping beside him. "i am sincerly sorry for what i said, and im glad to have you back" he says and offers his hand for a shake, and you shake his hand with a smile "im glad to be back" you said, giving him a nod.

he lets go of your hand and picks  from the podium a wand that you know all to well, and lifts it up to everyone to see. "and i believe this, belongs to you" he says and hands it to you, which you take out of his hand carefully with a big grin.

you grinned as you felt all over it with your fingers with a smile "permission to cast a spell" you whisper. "permission granted" he says with a smirk, and you point your wand up and cast a silent fireworks spell and through the great hall shot colourfull fireworks as everyone cheered and clapped, excited, and you smiled.

"you may be seated" he said and you nodded before stepping off the podium and walked to the gryffindor table where there was a place reserved for you between hermione and fred. you sat down and smiled at everyone around you.

"its great to be back" you said and fred smiled at you before kissing your lips slowly, and then the feast began.


"what did he say?" sirius asks as you, him, harry and dumbelore were in his office, discussing bartys words.

"he said that you are gellerts dynasty, and something about your wand" harry explaines as dumbeldore reachs his hand towards you and you give him the wand. "what does that mean?" you asked looking at dumbeldore with forrowed brows.

"do you remember your life in drumstrang?" he asks and you nod. "and before that?" "the orphanage? yeah, vagely" you said. "i was there with a few more kids, all kind of depressed kids, and i was alone in the room because... well i was a witch" you told them.

"do you remember any visitors?" dumbeldore asks and you syake your head. "i dont rememeber having any..." "think harder" he says and you lean back in your chair, vlosing your eyes.

your room was small and you had your own bed where you sat and found out that you can bend some of the elements when someone came into your room. "hello" the man says. "hello" you smiled up at him as you tried hiding the mess you made under a blanket.

"whats there?" he asks as he steps vloser. "n..nothing" you mummbled, looking down. "you can tell me, i promise i wont hurt you" he says as he sits dowj oj your bed, and you show him the figurines you made from your earth bending. "that is very nice" he smiles as he picks them up. "look at this" he says as he pulls out a wand and mutters a spell, and the figurines start moving.

"wow!" you called wuth wonder as you watched them. "do you want to learn more?" the man asks. "yes!" you smiled at him. "but on one condition" he says. "what condition?" you asked, suspicious. "you have to keep it a secret, forever" he says and offers his hand forward.

"deal" you smiled as you put your much smaller hand in his and shook his hand, and your habd glowed. "whats this?" you asked as you watched your hands. "i just transftered some of my knowledge to you" he smiles and you smiled too.

"my name is {Y/N}" you said as you pooked up at the man with one white eye and an evil grin. "im gellert"

"i remember!" you called. "gellert grindelwald.. he was the first to teach me magic" you explained. "how is tgat possible?" sirius asks. "he probably stayed alove for longer then we thought and found a way to try and continue himself" dumbedoore says as you all watch the old man.

"he inseeted some of himself... into you" he says. "like a horcrox?" you ask, your heartbeat picking up. "no, no... like, part of his knowledge also trasfered some of his mentality and his morals into you" he says. "and your wand" "he gifted it to me" you said as you looked at your wand in his hand.

"the wand chose you because you had some of his personality in you... the wand has.. a personality to it, and its yours" you nodded at this. "and cant you just break it?" sirius asks, and dumbeldore goes ahead and snaps it in two just in time for a whimper to leave your vocal cords, but the wand assambles itself into one. "huh" you smiled as dumbeldore handed it back to you.

"what does that mean?" sirius asks. "it means that now... {Y/N} should choose what side she goes to, becayse voldemort will try and make you become a death eater for your powers... but you should fight that... defeat that" dumbeldore says as your eyes grow wide. "what?.." you asked scared.

"its like that dream i had..." you said, patting siriuss arm as if waking him up. "when i looked at the mirror and saw thw two groups" you said and sirius nods at you.

"{Y/N}, you should be ready... sometimes... something may take over you... because you were poisoned as a kid, and now we need to deal with it" dumebeldore says as you swallow and look around the room, scared.


sooo... ywahhh.... this is kind of the ending? i left jt kind of open, because there is a chance that you can get anothwr book, but you need to decide if you want another book!

few things
-gelllert stayed alive a little longer to meet you!
-thw wand, of course not the elder wand, its the wand that he had as a teenager before he got the elder wand, the wand that practically built him up! and kind of you too hehe

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yours, the red demon♧

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