the first task-just like puppies

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"how will you defeat the dragon?" hermione asks as you walk back from poitions class. "actually ive been meaning to ask you something about that" you said grinning slowly. "ive read this book... by Ignis Nagy..." you said as you pulled out of your bag the red book, and she took it and looked through it, at the front of it you put a list.

final points

1.Always come unarmed.

2.Bring an offering of some kind.

3.Talk in a soft gentle tone and always offer some form of a complement when you can.

4.Be nice, dragons like that.

5.Never use harsh or foul language.

6.Be respectful, the dragon is the higher species.

"what is this?" she asked. "what if i... befriended it?" you asked and she stopped walking. "what?" she asks, looking at you confused and shocked.

"listen," you walked towards her caustiosly. "i could use a confusing spell and then fool him into befriending me" you tell her. "This is a bad idea..." she says, shaking her head. "confusing charms dont work on dragons" she tries explaining. "but the conjuntivitis works.. and i was thinking... what if i used my spell?" you asked, and she started shaking her head. "no {Y/N} this is such a bad idea!" she calls. "hermione dont you think i can do it?" you asked, forrowing your brows. "its not that, its that dragons are vicious, and could kill you!" she calls as she thrusts the book back to you. "you should do something that will work for sure" she explaines.

"hermione but i could try one of mine and improve myself!" you call at her. "but if it doesnt work, youll be stuck with a dragon?!" she asks. "but ill still have my wand! ill use a different one!" you called at her, grabbing her shoulder. "look {Y/N}, youre taking a very big risk... dragons are killing machines, and i refuse to watch you die!" she called at you as she stormed into the common room, and you followed her.

"hermione..." you whined, following her upstairs. "a lovers quarrel" someone said from the common room sofas, and you looked down at them from the stairs. "yes... my wife worries about me to much" you smirked at fred and george and continued walking upstairs after hermione to calm her down.


"ready vicky?" you asked, straighning your outfit in the mirror in the tent. "always" he smiled at you through the mirror, and you at him, when you heard a camera flashing towards hermione hugging harry. "oh no..." you shook your head as watched skeeter walk into the room.

"young love... stirring" she smiled, as her quill wrote after her words. "if anything goes unfortunate today... you might even make the front page" she smiled.

"you have no bussines here... this tent is for champioms... and friends" viktor told her in his deep accented voice, as you stood beside him with your arms crossed. "oh look at you... the ex powerful couple standing by each other again..." she smiled and the camera flashed again, making you go blind for a minute before she runs out of the tent giggling. "i hate her with a burning passion" you grumbled. "save that for the dragon" viktor smirked at you.

"good day champions... gather round everyone" dumbeldore says as he walks into the tent with krakov and barty. "youve waited... youve wondered... and at the last moment has arrived" he smiled, classping his hands together. " a moment only five of you can fully appreciate" he says with a smile and then looks behind him.

"what are you doing here miss granger?" he asks her and with a last uneasy looks she squeezes your hand and mutters "no funny bussines" and turns around and leaves the tent.

the lying witch (fred weasley x reader) book 1{COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now