Professor Snape

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"neville? whats this one?" you and neville were in the lake, both with your pants rolled up, your shoes on the shore, beside harry who was reading nevillesMagical Water Plants of the Mediterranean, that apperently moody gave hum when they had tea. "oh, thats wormwood, its used in some potions, you can try eating it" he smiled at you as he tore apart a piece of it and handed it to you, and you took it and chewed it, then spat it out. "its bitter!" you shouted, wiggling your tounge while neville laughed. "sorry" he said, looking down at his hands with different plants in them.

you saw him wave to the land, and you looked up to see hermione coming over with ron and ginny, talking between themselves angrily. "hey there!" you called, smiling and waving your hand, ginny giving you a wave back and hermione smiling at you, then ron pushed her forward to harrys direction, and you and neville stood in the water, watching them.

"whats this about you reckon?" neville asked you as you shook your head, pursing your lips together. "maybe ron and harry are making up already" you suggested, but it didnt seem like it, since hermione walked back to ron and back to harry. "its a nightmare being in the dorm with them" neville explaines. "they always fight in a hush, like a married couple i tell you" neville says, making you laugh, right about when hermione shouts "im not your owl!" and after giving you a last smile she left with ginny, ron sending a nasty look and leaving them. "whats this?" you asked harry as he sat back down, leaning on the tree. "hagrid wants to see me" harry explaines. "oh well, send him my love" you simply smiled and went back to studying plants with neville, helping you with your herbology homework.


"{Y/N} what are you doing?" hermione asks, crossing her arms. "hmm? oh, we're playing exploding snap" you smiled as fred went his turn. "and why?" she asks, eyebroe raised and a hand on her hip. "because... i want to play?" you ask more then answer, confused. "dont you want to try and get ready for the first task?" she asks. "how should i?" you ask her. "{Y/N} your turn" george says and you turn back to the desk and play your turn.

"maybe work on your spells?" she asks. "hermione i dont know on what spell i should work!" you exclaimed, startled when freds cards snapped. "alright, alright.." she sighed and sat beside you to watch you playing when harry burst into the room, panting and stressed.

"harry?" you asked when a card snapped, startling you again. "{Y/N} i have to talk to you" he said and grabbed your hand and pulled you away aggressivly outside of the gryffindor tower into a side corridor.

"whats going on?" you asked as he looked around, making sure noone is there to evsedrop. "dragons. thats the first task" harry pants at you and your eyes grow wide at him. "dragons? the big flying fire spitting lizards?" you asked him, stammering, and he nods vigerously. "thats the first one?" you ask, rubbing your forehead, trying to comprehand whats happening. "i.. i dont know... we need to tell the others" he says and you nod.

"ill go tell viktor" you said and he nods, and then quickly, you started running down the stairs outside the school to the quidditch pitch, knowing that viktor was training now.

you ran into the pitch and looked up, spoting viktor flying around with a few other drumstrang students and some hogwarts students. you grabbed your wand and pointed it at viktor and made him fall from his broom and down to the ground, and stopped him right before he hit the ground.

"{Y/N}? what are you doing?" he asks as you sat him on his feet. "vicky, the first task is dragons" you explained to him, looking up at the scary man. "dragons?" he asks looking down at your big {E/C} eyes staring up at him, as you nodded, and he sighs annoyed.

"but.. but vicky! we're from drumstarng! we already faced dragons! we can do this!" you explained as you held his bicep. "i know we can... do the others know?" he asks "me and harry will tell them" you say and he nods. "do you know how youll win?" he asks and a grin grows on your face. "i was thinking about it on my way here..." you said with a smile. "is it going to be showy and extravaganse?" he asks. "you know it will" you smiled and he smiled down at you, then hugged you.

"just be careful" he says and you hug him back. "you know i wont" you answered as his deep voice laughed.


"professor?" you knocked on the big door of snapes classroom. "its {Y/N}, i wanted to ask if you could help me?" you called from behind the door, hoping the professor is in there.

after about a minute, the door unlocked and infront of you stood snape in his black robe, looking down at you. "what do you need?" he asks, and you take a deep breath. "i have been working on my counterpotion for the weedosoros posion, and i wanted to ask if you could help me?" you asked and he nodded, and opened the door wider for you to come in, and you skipped inside and stood infront of his desk.

"so?" he asks. "oh right right" you untied the red ribbon from around your neck and transformed it into the red notebook and opened up a page with the ingridiants, spilled with ink and a few sketches. "im not sure though if i should add the snakes tounge?" you asked as his large hands pick up the notebook and his black eyes look over the scrambled writings inside.

"so?" you asked after a few minutes that he was reading the potion. "oh, well, if you add the snakes tounge it might cancel the abroxens tooth, so you should only add one of them." he explains, setting the notebook on the table. "but professor, in my confusing potion i use both of them and they are only complimenting each other" you explined, as if shouting to the back side of the room, where he went.

"maybe, its about the amounts?" you suggested and the professor reapeard with a cauldron, inside the ingridiants. "could be" he simply says and gived you a few abroxen teeth. "crush" he says and with a smile, you started working on the potions.

"im glad i can do it with you" you blurted up while crushing the teeth. "the professor in drumstarng was scary" you smiled, and even heard him chuckle. "am i not scaring you?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "no.." you simply said. "youre stern, but not scary.." you tried explaining, and he just hummed and nodded.


"it works!" you called with a smile when you tried the counter potion, seeing the potion itself bubbling and dissapearing, your potion canceling the poison. "yess!" you pumped a punch and grinned, as you moved the potion into a vial and named it 'counterpotion-weedosoros'.

"youre very talented miss black..." he says as he watches you put the vial in your big pocket. "thank you professor" you smiled. "would you mind... if i saved this potion?" he asked, offering his hand forward. "oh well, i guess im not being poisoned now.." you sighed and handed him the vial. "but you will keep it to yourself right?" you asked with forrowed brows, and he nodded.

"have a good night professor" you smiled as you walked to the door. "good night miss black, thank you for the... entertainmanet" he nods at you, and you quickly leave his classroom with a smile.


ok ok ok! next one will be the first task! are we developing a friendship eith professor snape?!

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