first signs of madness

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your first interaction with fred!!!


"when word got out that remus was a werewolf he had to resign" ron exolains as you made your way to DADA, "he didnt attack anyone, but parents werent happy about it"

"well, i met auror moody earlier, he helped me with my transfer... hes crazy, but very smart, i liked him" you smiled as you entered the classroom. "i heard he is not a good crazy" hermione says as she sits down, and you sit beside her, taking your stuff out of the bag and laying the book, notebook and glass quill over the wooden table, just as the whole class is settling down.

"Alastor moody" the man starts, writing the word 'Moody' on the blackboard behind him. "ex-auror, ministry malcontent, and your new defence against the dark professor" he says, turning back around to look accross the class. "im here because dumbeldore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end!" he says harshly and you look sideways at hermione, confused. "any questions?" he asks, noone dares to say anything. 'what a weird introduction..' you wondered.

"when it comes to the dark arts, i believe in a practical approach" he says, and your face stays monotone as hermione looks at you confused. 'in drumstrang everything was in a practical approach" you mouthed to the girl beside you.

"first, which of you can tell me, how many unforgivable curses are there?" the mad eye asks. "three sir" hermione answers with a little tremble in her voice. she doesnt like him, you though to yourself.

"and they are so named?" he asks as he starts writing on the board again. "because they are unforgivable" hwrmione says, as you roll your eyes, muttering a "nah-doy" "the use of any one of them will..-" "Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct!" he calls loudly. "The Ministry of Magic says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different. You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared!" he shouts as the class flinches, but you already studied this class.

professor moody us silent for a second and then he hisses "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the under-side of your desk, Mr. Finnegan!" you turned around to see seamous confused, his mouth ajar. "no way!" seamous whispered. "The old codger can see in the back of his head!"

next thing, moody turns around hastily and chucks the piece of chalk at seamous who quickly ducks as the man shouts "AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS!!" hermione shoots you a confused look, and you just shrugg your shoulders, your brows knitted together with confusion.

"now, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!!" he shouts, looking at the ginger boy. "could you maybe shout louder, i didnt hear you" you hissed, rubbing your ear. "stand! give us a curse!" moody shouts at him and slowly he starnds up and gives harry a confused ane a little scared look. "well, my dad did tell me about one. the imperius curse" ron mummbles out.

"oh yes. Your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." moody says and goes back to his desk, and takes out of one of the glasses a spider, and puts it in the palm of his hand, and enlarges it.

"come looky here" he says and then he cast the imperius curse on the spider and starts playing wuth it, sending it around the students, making everyone laugh. "something funny draco?" he asks and throws the spider at the blonds face, making you laugh even harder. "and what if i tell him to jump out the window..." he says and everyone stops laughing. "or drown itself.." he asks as he levitates the spider over a bucket of water, bit then returns it to his hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding... under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?" the professor asks and you think about it, trying to find an answer.

the lying witch (fred weasley x reader) book 1{COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now