quarantine #2-the revolver

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"dad?" you asked, not tearing your eyes away from the telly. "whats the matter sweet?" remus asks, not tearing his eyes from the paper in his hands he was reading peacefully. sirius was out this morning, and you were left with remus in the house.

"can you get me a revolver?" you asked nonchelantly. "whats that?" he asks coyly back. "look, james bond has one, it looks neat" you smiled, pointing at the television, and remus lowers his paper to see the muggle movie you were watching, the man sitting infront of a green table with cards and jitons, and a revolver on the table.

"what is it doing?" he asks, watching the telly. "it shoots" you say. "and you want one?" he asks coyly. "yes" you agree, and he shruggs, "ok, i'll look into that" he says and goes back to looking at his paper as you keep watching the telly silently.


"so how does it work?" "look" you said as you grabbed the revolver from sirius' hand and pointed it down. "this is the hatch, and it holds 6 rounds of bullets, so to activate it i just need to pull this back.." you pulled the frame back and a click sounded. "and now i just click on this.." you said, and shot out a bullet, almoat hitting remus, but just missed him.

"neat!" sirius smiled and grabbed it from you, pulled down the frame and shot another one on the wall loudly. "cool right?" you asked with a smile "and is it safe?" remus asks. "what do you mean?" you asked. "safe? will tou die using it?" he asks. "dad, i think i can handle it" you chuckled as you spinned it on your finger and it accidently shot to the cieling. "i think" you repeated.

you and your parents started playing around with the revolver, shooting around and making targets, and the time passed with the fun until you heared knocking on the door. "waiting for someone?" you asked, remus shook his head and walked to the door, you and sirius stayed in the sitting room, playing with the revolver.

"think you can shoot that glass on the table?" you asked, pointing at the water glass on the table. "bet you" he smirks and shoots, just almost missing it but the glass shattered.

"what is this noise?!" someone called behind you. hermione! you jumped and turned around to see the trio, and the weasley twins standing there with remus who let them in, and you immediatly jumped to hug hermione, attacking yhe hug on her is the right term, making her fall back as she hugs you back.

"{Y/N}!" she shouts as she laughs, higging you back tightly, and when you finish higging her, you get up and slowly hug everyone, as ur you havent seen people in so long, you were just so greatful to havr them here, as you hugged harry carfully and rhen ron, after grabbing hus shoulders and studying him wuth a smile and slowly letting your arm go back to his back and hug him, and whrn you slowly let go of you, you slowly hugged george rhe same way.

"oh leave her alone you..." fred mittered and peeled george off of you and snatched you up into a hug, burying his face into your shoulder as his arms crush your waist, yours going around his neck as you sqweeled into him and he spinned you around.

"isnt that a bit too long.." sirius muttered and grabbed onto your waist and pulled you off of fred, and you were kept in his arms like a kitten being lifted up, fred is red from his neck up.


you were sitting in your arm chair, infrony of you on the sofa were sitting all yoir friends, and on the other armchair was seated sirius and on the arm was sitting remis, siriuss arm around his hips. sirius didnt let you sit beside fred, so you were sprawled upon the armchair, almost lying in it.

"hows the tournament?" you asked. "are they really not letting you compete?" harry asks back, and you shake your head, rolling your eyes in bordeom. "i know, its the worst part of it.." you sighed. "the worst part? not being expelled and your wand taken?" hermione asks, and you look at her from the bottom of your eyes with a bored experssion and said "hermione, eternal glory" you simply said, and she smirked and shook her head, making you smirk too.

"so youve come to tell me you found out who 'professoe moody'," the air quotes you used were so aggressive as you pullee yourself into a sitting position on the armchair "really is?" you asked and they shook their heads.

"{Y/N}, there is no way thats not him" ron said and your brows forrowed and you jump out of your seat like you sat on a needle, and walked towards ron. "excuse me?" you asked suspiciously. "are you sure it was professor moody?" ron asks, now his voice turning a bit cotious. "are you suggesting that im lying?" you asked, putting both your hands on his sides and putting your face so close to his that your breath mingled and you could smell his breakfast, his eyes that were staring back at yours wuth fear, his little freckles and his face going red were so visible to you right now, he was like deer in headlights.

"not lying... maybe confused" he suggests, trying to soften your attitude. "have i ever been wrong?" you asked, glaring deeply at him, and he glares back now as if challenging until he just boops your nose, making you slowly smirk and go back to the armchair, and as you flopped down you said "it was him, im certin"

"we'll look into that" hermione says, sanding you a wink and you send one back with a smirk, knowing you could trust your best friend.

"can we go back, and you will explain to me you and fred?" sirius asks, as if coming back to life while the conversation accured. "what?" you asked confused. "you and fred weasley... you are..." "we're together dad, as in boyfriend and girlfriend, couple, i dont know more words" you smirked, rolling your eyes.

"when?" he asks. "what does it matter when?" you ask, moving your head ti face his with confusion. "right... well, are you bejng good to her?" sirius asks, and now hes standing up. whats happening..? you wondered as sirius stalked towards fred, and he slowly stood up to face sirius.

"i am sir, the best" fred smiles. "you do know... that if you ever hurt her... or do anything out of line... or get closer then a half a meter to her again in my presence, and if i ever see her crying, and if you ever put one toe out of line... well..." sirius turns towards your royal piano and grabs frok the top of it the new revolver the family got. "ill put a new hole in your body" he says, sticking the revolver in freds ribs and he starts sweating, not saying a word.

"wow, ok, stop the madshow" you chuckled as you stood up and caredully took the revolver from your father "still dont know how to operete that properly" you smiled a tight liped smile and set it down on the coffee table. "dad its fine, im sure you and remus had your fun as kids" you simply said, making the kids in the back snicker, and remis go red.

"yes but, me and moony couldnt get pregnent!" he calls, waving his finger accusingly. "i wont get pregnent dad, ok? will you calm down, by gods name.." you rolled your eyes and pushed him back to his armchair with remus, and you pushed fred back to his place in the sofa as you turned and sat in your armchair again, smiling widely as you levitated a cup if tea towards your hands.

"ive missed you so... its great to have you here..." :)


well well welll!!!! i love the revolver. why wouldnt they just grab a tec-9 and shoot voldemort dead? end of story.

i heared there are people who dont hug their best friend? whats that all about?

hope you like it, comment, vote and follow me!

yours, the red demon ♧

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