quarantine #4-liar or mad?

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a classical composion is playing through the big house, and from inside, snape can hear the sound of soft stomping, like on heels clicking on the wooden floors of the house. lifting his hand, he knocks firmly on the door.

you hear the knocking, and stop sancing and stalk towards the door, gripping in your hand the revolver. standing infrpnt of the door you opened the lock and looked outside to see professor snape. "are you one of those decpicble spies who come here to steal my work, selling it to some copycat and spy on me for the fake moody?" you asked through the crack you pushed your head through. your eyes were red and your hair was crazy, and for some reason you were wearing a fnacy dress and heels. "no" he answeres, already uses to your crazy and you open the door, motioning with your gun for him to come in.

"how are you {Y/N}?" he asks, as he sits down in the chair and you bring tea. "im mad, tired, and very worked up" you answer, supping from your tea, your legs crossed as your foot bounces up and down.

"i cant find anything about what youre saying... theres no way" he says and you stand up and hover over him. "what? you think im lying?" you ask. "yes" he challenges "why would i?" you ask, getting madder by the word. "maybe to get a higher grade, maybe you just dont like him" you grabbed the tea from his hands and tossed it behind your shoulder and you hear the cup starreing on the wall as you glared at him.

"oh i see. you think ive gone mad" you say and he looks down at your clothing, pondering if to say anything. "nobody likes me. everybody hates me. fine! drag my name through the mud, through the dirt, but then youre gonna eat your words!" you shouted and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him behind you to the door.

"next time i see you itll be me, winning, being true about moody!" you shouted and slammed the door in his face, but opened the door a tiny bit again. "and... tell harry good luck in the turnament" you whispered and closed the door again. snape sughs as he shakes his head and pulls out of his cloak a copy of the daily prophat, and drops it on your door step.

when sirius comes home, before he opens the door he sees the copy on the floor and picks it up and flickers through it as he walks into the house, and sees in big bold letters. "the black family; a liar or crazy?" he walkes into the house and sits down in the living room and starts reading the article. "sorces report that the legendary seeker, {Y/N} black, that was banished from hogwarts and the triwizard tournament is going insane, saying that the well known auror Alastor 'mad-eye' Moody is a liar, and used crucio on her, but of course there are no evidance for that, and the girl attacked him, now her location is unknown, but is said that she is going insane and may even be dead..."  he stops reading it and slaps the paper down, annoyed by what is written in there, not wanting to know what pther lies were written in the article about you.

he walks up the stairs and opens your door slowly, sees you sitting on the floor of your room as you stare at the walls full of pictures. "you ok?" he asks. "snape was here today." you say, looking over your shoulder to him, sirius understanding how the paper got there. "he said i was lying. so im going to prove i am right" you said as you looked back at your wall. "good girl" he smiles before closing your door again, letting you continue with your work, not wanting to tell you what the wizarding world thinks of you.


"i dont think we should tell her" it was about 2 am, and your parents were in their bed, discussing the article. "i dont think we should either, but when she goes back there, what will people say?" remus asks sirius.

"they will say, but what can we do? even if we tell her, she wont be able to do anything" sirius answers. "but when she goes back, dont we want to minimize problems?" remus asks. "is she.. going back?" sirius asks, making remus grow his eyes. "she will, you know she will" he says softly, rubbing sirius's arm. "lets just let the things unfold themselves" he offers, and sirius nods, and they drop the subject.

while you, in the living room, reading the article that saying you went insane and killed yourself, shocked and amazed by rita skeeters imagination, and quickly you grabbed a piece of parchment and your quill and started writing to the daily prophet a very mad and heated letter, saying that you are very much alive, and right, and will prove it, and she better stop lying about everything.


"good morning dad" you smiled as remus and sirius walked into the kitchen to see you sitting with your feet up on the table, in your hand a cup of coffee, and a smug smile on your lips.

"good morning sweet" remus smiled as he kissed the top of your head. "what are you smiling about?" sirius asks, a little suspicious, and you look over to the paper on the table.

"whats this?" he asks as he grabs onto the paper. "the paper" you simply say. "i know that, how did it get here?" he asks as he flicks through it. "felix braught it" you smiled just in time for them to find another article about you. "last night a letter was braught into the HQ of the daily prophet, saying it from the lying witch {Y/N} Black, saying that she is alive, right, and she will prove it. it is unknown if the letter is really from her, suspected to actually be by from the way it was written, arrogent, smug and violent"
sirius reads, and then looks at you with big eyes.


"arrogant, smug and violent" hermione finishes reading the article. "thats her all right" ron laughs when hermione finishes reading it, and now reads the letter you sent that was also published.

"shes such a hothead" hermione says shocked. "i miss her so much" fred, harry, ron, hermione, george and ginny all said at the same time.


soon everything bursts open... trust me... keep reading! next chapter will hit in the feels!

yours, the red demon ♧

the lying witch (fred weasley x reader) book 1{COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now