the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

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"i think you will be staying in my room, we have an empty bed in our dorm" hermione says after the breakfast you had with everyone. "thats great, at least ill be with someone i know" you smiled as you put your utenciles in the empty plate. "lets go check" she said with a smile and picked herself up, and you after her.

"but.. where are my bags?" you asked her. "probably already in the dorm, come on" she smiled and grabbed your arm, hooking it through hers as she took you through the coridors of the great castle.

"so, they are your core group?" you asked her. "yeah, i guess you can say that" she giggled. "sounds so perfect" you muttered under your breath as you looked at the marble floors. "what about you? how was it in drumstrang?" she asked as she turned a corner.

"you want the truth right?" you asked, smirking at her. "and nothing but it" she smiled back. "well, you know why ive been moved right?" you asked and she nodded "yeah, the attacks" she says. "well, thats one part of it" you giggled.

"youre a smart girl, you know that drumstrang is a school of dark arts" you said and she nodded. "the headmaster, igor krakov, is a former death eater, and i have been... doubting the schools methods and in general against the dark arts, so he set them on me. he wanted me dead because i was the only one that was actually against him, who also took action because.. well, can you keep a secret?" you asked her and she nods and you stop walking.

"ive been working on my own spells" you smiled as you took the red ribbon off your neck and took your wand out, casting "revilio" on the ribbon and it turned into a small worn out red notebook. "whoa!" she says with wonder as you open it and start flicking through pages, showing her notes, articles and sketches. "this is amazing!" she smiles. "can i read them?" she asked and your face drops as her fingers hold onto one page filled with scribbles and sketches. "oh.. um... maybe... not yet" you said and pulled it back to you, shutting it and closing it. "sorry" you whispered. "its ok" she giggled ",we just met" she said and you smiled as you turned it back into a red ribbon and she tied it around your neck.

"well anyways, after igor saw that ive been working on spells, and generally going against him, so he started trying... you know, killing me, and after endless failing attemps, im here" you giggled. "how are you laughing about it?" she asked, shaking her head. "its ironic" you shrugged.

"i didnt know this was it..." she said as you walked towards the gryffindor tower. "i know, the ministry called it.. what was it? classified" you mocked and she laughed, "yeah, imagine my surprise when i was reading the paper and the article about you just dissapeared" she laughed.

"and here we are..." she said and opened the fat lady portrait and you walked in with her to see a cozy and warm sitting room. "oh this is lovely" you smiled as you walked in. "and this is our dorm" she said as she opened the door upstairs to a bedroom. "thats nice, but where are my bags..." you wodnered, putting your hands on your hips just as a small elf came in holding your bags. "your bags miss..." he muttered and you smiled, taking them away from him and throwing them on the empty bed.

you muttered a spell and the case opened and the stuff from inside started orginizing itself. "whoa, youre so good" she said as she watched your shirts hanging themselves up in the closet. "how did you learn to spell wandless?" she asked as she sat on your bed and you walked to the window, opening it. "oh, its not that hard really, i can teach you if you want" you smiled and she nodded eagerly.

"i wonder when my pet is coming..." you sighed as you looked out the window, waiting to see a black creature flying your way, but you just closed it again and sat on your bed and watched with hermione as your stuff organized itself in the room.

"what about you? your friends in drumstrang?" she asks and you smiled and grabbed a picture from inside the case. "well, actually, drumstrang is an all boy school, so all of my friends were boys, but we were really good friends. this is victor, you know him" you laughed, pointing at the picture showing you on victors shoulders and a lot of people around in a party. "and these are ivan... igor... boris... and this is anton" you smiled as you showed her your friends.

"it was actually pretty fun at times, you know, when i wasnt getting almost killed" you giggled as hermione took the picture from your hands and looked at it. "i miss them" you admitted as she handed the picture back and you put it on your nightstand. "dont worry {Y/N}" she said, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"you have us now" she smiled and you smiled back, holding her hand on your shoulder. "thank you"


well well welll... welcome to your dorm! hows that? are we liking it... vote and comment and read my other oneshot book!

yours, the red demon ♧

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