New Orleans

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Kol turns back to me and speeds over picks me up and speeds off home. Klaus and Elijah following. But not before Klaus snapped both of their necks. 


Kol laid me down onto our shared bed and got in next to me. 

Vanessa: Kol?

Kol: yes baby?

Vanessa: can we go back to New Orleans. I don't want to stay here anymore.

Kol: Vanessa, you can't run because of a silly argument you had with your brothers. You don't see me running every time my family does something to me. 

Vanessa: no you end up in a box. Please baby...

Kol: fine darling. Go pack your bags.

Vanessa: yes

I sprang up and sped packed. Kol laughed at my antics and kissed me. Kol got all of our luggage and went downstairs and went to the car. When i got downstairs I saw Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah looking at me.

Rebekah: you're leaving

Vanessa: bekah....

Klaus:why nessa?

Vanessa: i need a break from mystic falls.

Elijah: then we shall come back with you...

Vanessa: you can't.. Nik you know why.

Klaus: yes and it's best you that kol meets her soon too. 

Elijah: i still can't believe that happened to you.. i will kill whoever it was when i get to new orleans. 

Rebekah: tell your daughter davina that i said hello

Klaus:  us too

Kol walks in. 

Kol: let's go.

Vanessa: bye everyone

They come over and hug me and kol and we leave. 

When I got into the car Kol looked at me and smiled.

We drove off and once i saw the leaving Mystic Falls sign. I smiled and thought New Orleans here we come. 

I kept thinking about what happened to me while kol was daggered. 

Kol: I get to meet your daughter when we are there right? 

Vanessa: course you can

Kol: I can't believe marcel is still alive

Vanessa: yeah i know

Kol: well let's go get him

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