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Vanessa: are you nervous to meet her?

Kol: no not really.... i'm nervous about marcel

Vanessa: nervous why?

Kol: no reason

Vanessa: kol

Kol: drop it vanessa

It felt as if i had just been stabbed through the heart. He has never raised his voice at me like that.. ever. 

We have been driving for a couple of hours when kol reaches at the back and pulls out to drink bottles and gives one to me. I raise my eyebrow at him as i can't smell if it is blood or something else. I trust kol but he hasn't spoken to me since he snapped. 

Kol: it's blood

Vanessa: thank you.                        i mumbled

Kol: i'm sorry for snapping at you

Vanessa: it's whatever kol

He looked at me upset and kept driving. then the Welcome to New Orleans sign came up.

Vanessa: welcome home vanessa

Kol: our home 

Vanessa: yeah. 

When we arrived at a hotel that we compelled and unpacked everything.

Vanessa: i'm going to the bar okay

Kol: alrighty want me to come

Vanessa: no it's okay baby

Kol: okay have fun.

When i got to Rousseau's in the french Quarter and sat at the bar. A young girl walked up to me and i read her name tag. " Camille" 

Camille: Hi i'm cami what can i get you? are you new?

Vanessa: Hey i'm Vanessa but you can call me nessa. can i have a bourbon please. Sort of. I moved away from here a long time ago.. decided to come back. 

Cami: welcome back and here

She passes me the bourbon

Vanessa: thank you

Just then a man walked up to me and slung his arm over my shoulder. I turned my head and saw the one and only Marcel Gerard sitting next to me. 

Vanessa: Marcel

I turned back to my drink and took a sip. 

Marcel: nessa.. welcome back. What are you doing here? 

Vanessa: i needed to get away from Mystic Falls and I wanted to see our daughter

Marcel: ahh yes davina. come on then

I looked at him confused.

Vanessa: i've come back like once a year. And normally i have to beg you. what's the catch

Marcel signed: davina's in trouble she's sixteen

Vanessa: the harvest ritual.......

Marcel: yes the witches are coming for her

Vanessa: they won't lay a hand on her not while i'm here. Point me in the direction of the witches that want to harm her and i'll kill them all. I'll show them what pure power looks like.

Marcel: yes well there are no witches allowed in the french Quarter. No magic allowed. No wolves either. Well with you being both exceptions. 

Vanessa: yes me being the exception. And marcel over the years i have chosen to forgive you for davina. I'll make sure Kol and the rest don't try to kill you

Marcel: does only kol know it's me?

Vanessa: yes

Marcel: okay good... come on then let's go see our daughter.

We left the quarter and came to a church and then into the attic. 

Marcel opened the door and there she stood my beautiful daughter davina drawing. 

Davina: hey dad. Is josh coming over at all today?

Marcel: the human that's coming to the feast party thing?

Davina: yes dad

Marcel: yes. oh i have someone for you

Davina took her eyes off of her drawing and looked behind marcel. 

He stepped out of the way and i stepped into the room and opened my arms out wide and she came running and i hugged her tight. 

Davina: mommy.... 

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