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Dear Diary,

These last couple of months have been hectic. I finally reunited with my brothers. Got kidnapped. Found Elijah. Rose died of a werewolf bite, and I decided to let her die. She had a long run. Damon hasn't really spoken to me since, but my twin has in which I am grateful for. Tonight's the decade dance,  I know Klaus will make a move but in a different body and I will found out who it is extremely fast, I know my best friend and can recognise his power radiating off of him. 

-Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson


Tonight was the decade dance. Klaus has told me about the 20's and how boring and not his forte he would say. He prefered murdering humans and haunting other supernaturals. I can finally see my best friend after 2 years. 

"Nessie we have to go to school!" Stefan yelled up to me. 

"Okay Stef!" I yelled.

I walked into school and saw everyone staring at me. What's everyone's problem today?

"STOP LOOKING AT ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" I yelled at the top of my voice and everyone looked away from me. 

"What was that all about?" Stefan asked.

"I have no idea" I responded with confusion in my tone.

When we entered, history in Alaric's class I felt this weird power overcome me. And there he was in Alaric's body all I could do was smirk. 

"Klaus..." I mumbled knowing that no one could hear except for him, due to me linking our thoughts together. 

He turned and smirked. "Hello love" He told me, as I linked his mind to mine so I wouldn't blow his cover. 

"Alaric's body, seriously Klaus." 

"Well I had to be convincing love, it was the only way to get close to my doppelganger." He smirked as he told me that.

"Of course."

I unlinked our minds so that he could go back to teaching the class.

"Let's talk Decade Dance." Alaric/klaus said

"We are learning about the 60s or 20s Mr Saltzman. Are you okay?" Elena asked

"I'm fine miss Gilbert, I thought we should speak about tonight." Klaus smirked at Elena, then glancing towards me. Stefan looked on edge, the way Alaric was looking at me was unnatural. 

Stefan mouthed to me "Link our minds Nessie." He stated. And I did what he said.


"Nessie, why was Alaric looking at you so intriguingly"

"I have no idea Stef." I lied

"Right, well I know your lying, we are twins and we can feel each other's pain and know what he other is thinking when we allow them to." He reminded me.

"I know Stef, but I can't tell you right now."


Little did Stefan know I also put Klaus in our conversation, he was silent and made sure that Stefan couldn't sense him in our minds. I will never betray my best friend, unless it came to Elijah or Kol. Maybe Rebecca. 

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