My darling

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When my brothers left, I was left in between Kol and Elijah. Protecting me from what was about to happen.

"Well, look at that painting Nik." Rebecca remarked and threw a glass vase making me flinch in fear she would hurt Nik.

"I wanted it to be a home for all of us." Klaus said. 

"Now we will be Niklaus but you will be left here alone." I looked at Elijah in shock.

"We are leaving you Nik." Rebecca stated.

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down.!" Klaus yelled.

"Then you would come everything you hate, our father." Elijah calmly replied.

"I have nothing to fear."

"You will when we have that coffin." Elijah replied back. As soon as he said that the doors swung open and a women walked towards Klaus.

Kol grabbed me by the hip keeping me protected at all times. He is very possessive. But thats the soulmate bond I guess. 

"Mother." Rebecca gasps. Oh its her great.

"Niklaus look at me." Klaus slowly looked up at his mother. 

"Why do you think I am here?"

"To kill me."

"You are my son, I want us to be a family again all of us." She stated. She looked around and noticed me and walked closer.

Kol's grip became harder on my hip as she got close to me. 

"Vanessa Salvatore. Pleasure is not mine it's yours." She said.

I laughed, and crossed my arms, where all of the Mikaelson's stood there in shock.

"What is funny darling?" Kol asked. I gave him a look into my mind a bit more. He made a shape with his mouth indication OH. 

"You actually think I believe any of that, come on." I remarked.

She narrowed her eyes at me. 

"I cannot do no harm to you, Salvatore as you are invincible, more powerful than me and you are the original tribrid that could kill any of my children in one bite. Your blood can cure any bite including your own." She walked away.

"Mother, her names Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson." Kol sassed.

"Oh i'm aware, but she isn't worthy of the Mikaelson name."

I looked down, knowing she was right. I am an abomination, a curse. A monster. Kol looked at me and whispered in my ear.

"You are none of those things darling. You are mine, you are worthy. You are my darling." I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

Something bad was going to happen soon. 

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