Re living the past

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When I returned back to the Salvatore Boarding house, I was greeted by not only my furious brothers Damon and Stefan but they had company of: Rose and Elena. Great. 

"When were you going to tell us hmmm?" Damon snarked at me. 

"About what?" Playing dumb is my only option right now.

"You know what about Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson!" Damon screeched. No. He knows. 

I looked at Rose and Elena. "How much did you tell my darling brothers?" I replied annoyed.

"Sorry, Vanessa I had to." Elena said sincerely.

"Time to tell us the truth Vanessa." Stefan said hurt from his own twin not telling him.


"Let's begin."

So I began the story. 

"In 1864, when we first turned due to our father shooting us, by trying to save Katherine. I ran. I ended up in New Orleans where I met the Mikaelsons..." Before I could continue Damon butt in. 

"Who are the Mikaelsons exactly?"

"If you would let me finish you would find out Damon. Anyway I met the Mikaelsons, the first vampires in existence. We are part of one of their Sire lines. I do not know who we are sired to i'm afraid brothers. But if one dies so does their sire line. Any how, the Mikaelson I met when I was on a rampage killing dozens of people, was Klaus. He went to kill me. Until he saw who I was, and befriended me very quickly. He gave me a home. The very next day I met Elijah and came quick friends with him. Later on during the hours ruling New Orleans with Klaus and Elijah; I met the love of my life. My soulmate. Kol Mikaelson. You see, I was the Queen of New Orleans.."

"Wait so your the Ruthless Tribrid Queen of New Orleans?" Stefan asked.

"Yes Stef. Carrying on, my life with Kol was amazing until he got daggered we were together for 64 years. We got married, in the first 20 years of us being together. He  betrayed Klaus, so he daggered him. And has left him in a box for 100 years. That is why Elijah's here, wanting your help to stop Klaus breaking the curse and to get back our family. Klaus will stop at nothing. As you heard Elena. I am slowly desecating, my body and soul and mind is linked to Kol and so is his to mine. If he dies I suffer a slow and painful death. He can see me right now even while daggered." I finished and looked at my brothers who looked panicked.

"Well, Vanessa you haven't finished what happened with the massacure you and kol created?" Rose called.

"Right" I smirked

"Kol and I killed an entire city in the space of two days. It felt amazing. We cause havoc. We are psychotic Maniacs. We could never control it. Kol is 1000 years old as is his brothers and sister. Kol and I would die for each other we don't just love each other because of the bond but because we both are alike. To be honest I am still a ripper and so is he. That's why Elena I said to you I won't be able to control myself." I smirked and looked at the fear in Elena's eyes.

"Well thank you Vanessa for telling us that." Stefan cringed. 

"Wait do you guys know she's the original tribrid that cannot be killed from anything?" Elena asked.

"Well yes we did cause during the 164 years that my sister had gone for, she did sent letters of what happened. Anyway, enough history for today." Damon replied in an annoyed tone.

After, everyone left I couldn't stop thinking about Kol and how much I missed him. His murderous smirk, the jealousy. Everything. 


- Sorry for the Chapter being short, I will upload again later at 20:00pm UK standard time. 

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