Kol and the Gilberts Part 1

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I walked up the front steps and knocks on the door. Elena who has a nasty looking bite on the side of her neck opens the door, oh Ness, Jeremy standing behind her.

Klaus: Good evening, Gilbert clan.Elena: What do you want, Klaus?Klaus: I've come to fetch my hunter. Seeing as how my brother and Vanessa have become a liability, Jeremy will be safer with me. Oh while I'm at it here ( i pass her a spare vial of Vanessa's blood to heal her wound. 
Elena takes it and drinks it. Immediately healing. Jeremy: I think I'll pass. I've killed enough people for you today.Klaus: You think you're safer here? Hmm. Clearly you don't know Kol. he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, so strange as it may seem, I'm your best bet.Jeremy: Sorry, but I think we'd rather take our chances.Klaus: Fine. But when Kol does come-and he will come-be sure to let me know, preferably before he burns your nice little home to the ground. Vanessa no matter what entering barricade you have on the door she will break it herself.  And as for you, hunter, there's no shortage of people to turn or loved ones to threaten, so sleep well. We'll plan on finishing our work tomorrow.
 [I turned and left. Elena shuts the door.]


[Jeremy and I are standing at the kitchen table.]

Jeremy: This is never gonna end. If Kol doesn't kill me first, if Vanessa doesn't kill me then Klaus is just gonna force me to kill more innocent people. How many is it gonna take, 10? 100?Elene: [realizing something] If you kill one Original vampire, their entire sire line will die with them. That's thousands, maybe tens of thousands of vampires. Vanessa compelled Damon to kill you. You're gonna kill Kol instead. Vanessa will go slowly with him. 

[They look at each other, and I nod.]


Stefan wakes up with a sleeping Rebekah's arm around him. He slowly removes her arm and gets out of the bed. He quickly puts his clothes on with vampire speed, trying to sneak out. He puts on his jacket and opens the door to see Klaus.

Klaus: Leaving so soon?

[Rebekah angrily puts her robe on.]

Rebekah: This is my place, Nik, and I don't appreciate you invading my privacy like some kind of creeping Tom.Klaus: Well, I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst, but I do have some urgent business. Or have you forgotten – our paranoid brother Kol is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on the brain? Plus a murderous wolfy witchy vampire Vanessa too. Rebekah: She tried to kill me last night. I didn't forget.Klaus: Yes, well, unfortunately Kol seems to have absconded with my set of daggers so that we can't use them on neither him or Vanessa.Rebekah: Oh, poor Nik. How ever will you get your way without your precious daggers? They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with one of us!Klaus: Kol's and Vanessa's irrational fear of Silas has pushed them both over the edge. We need to put them down before they do any more damage. Now, I know you have the last dagger, and I know you have some white ash, so hand it over.Rebekah: Mhm, and leave myself unprotected? You can file that request under 'no chance in hell.' Be gone by the time I have showered. Lurkers aren't welcome here. But there is only one dagger. 
Klaus: Well if Kol goes down so does Vanessa. 

[Rebekah leaves.]

Klaus: I need that dagger, Stefan. Talk some sense into her.Stefan: Why don't you talk some sense into her? I'm headed home to play prison guard to Damon. He's on lockdown ever since my dear sister compelled him to kill Jeremy last night.Klaus: You see? That's my point exactly. If you let them roam free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom, and we can kiss our map to the cure goodbye. But if you help me dagger Kol, Vanessa will also dessicate and  Damon will be uncompelled, Jeremy will live, and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena.

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