Meeting the pack

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Today was the day. I was going to meet my pack for the first time. Kol and I got ready and dropped Davina back home to Marcel and carried on our journey to the bayou. When we got there.. it was desolate. Everywhere looked burned to the ground. I couldn't smell anyone until i caught a figure in the glimpse of my eye. I turned and saw a wolf.. i noticed they had the same birth mark as me and she came towards kol and i.

????: Oh my goodness

Vanessa: i'm sorry...

She kneels in front of me and says: your highness

Kol: bloody hell....

Vanessa: what?

????: I'm robyn

Vanessa: hi robyn.. i'm vanessa and this is my husband/ soulmate kol mikaelson

Robyn: m...mikaelson.....

Kol: i won't hurt you

Robyn looked at me and i nodded

Robyn: follow me both of you

We followed her deep into the bayou and saw a large gathering of wolves. The rest of the Crescent Pack.

Robyn: everyone!

They all looked her way. 

????: What is it robyn?

Robyn: Jackson i found her

Jackson: wait you found Vanessa?

Vanessa: umm i'm right here

Kol: me too

Jackson: and an original vampire how great

Vanessa: watch how you speak to my soulmate/husband Jackson. 

Jackson smirked: yep she's definitely the alpha of this pack. i'm glad you found us Vanessa. 

Vanessa: i'm glad to have found you all. 

Jackson: now let's talk pack. No vampires.

Vanessa: oh but kol is my...

Robyn: husband/soulmate we know.. he can't come

Kol: and why the bloody hell not. Vanessa's part vampire, witch and wolf.

Vanessa: kol calm down

Kol instantly relaxed and walked away

Vanessa: well then let us discuss matters

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