Before Sunset

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AN/// Leave in the comments if you want me to kill Kol off in the book. Like when Jeremy and Elena killed him. Yes or No?//////


After I told Klaus my plan to leave with Kol as soon as he woke up I sped upstairs to Kol's coffin. Only to find it empty. Typical. 

Vanessa: Kol!


Vanessa: Kol. 

Kol: what's the matter darling?

I turned around and saw a pale man. Kol. He opened his arms wide and I sped into his hug. 

Vanessa: You're still pale love. 

Kol: well that's what happens when you get daggered in a box. 

Vanessa: I have been daggered before. 

Kol: mhmm yes. 

I bit my wrist so blood was coming out from it, I lifted it up to Kol. He took my wrist and brought it to his mouth and drank my blood. Blood sharing between Vampires are intimate.. it's even stronger when you are soulmates. After a while, Kol's colour came back and he released my wrist. It left us both breathless. 

Kol: thank you darling. 

He kisses me on the lips. 

Vanessa: Where should we disappear to Kol?

Kol: well unfortunately we can't leave yet. 

Vanessa: what why? You're in danger. Alaric has the white oak and he's stronger than all of you. 

Kol: Vanessa. Darling. You just need to bite him. 

Vanessa: I can't get close enough. 

Klaus: Well that's where Kol and I will be needed. 

I looked behind Kol and saw Klaus standing there smirking. 

Kol: shall we?

Vanessa: We shall. 

We all head downstairs but I heard Damon, Stefan and Bonnie coming. So I turned to Kol. 

Vanessa: Kol go. 

Kol: what?! they can't hurt me. 

Vanessa: they have the white oak. 

Kol looks at me unsure. 

Vanessa: I'll find you. 

Kol kisses me on the lips and then speeds off.  When Klaus and I make it downstairs we see Tyler trying to free Elena. 

Elena sees us standing in the doorway.

Elena: Tyler.

[Tyler turns around and stands up.]

Klaus: So much for that sire bond.

Tyler: I'm not your little bitch anymore.

[Klaus smiles and walks towards him.]

Klaus: How did you break the sire bond?

Tyler: By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love.

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