Elijah Mikaelson

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I woke up, with a stiff neck, and surrounded by the smell of fresh human blood. It was driving me insane. Then I remembered, I got kidnapped resulting with my neck snapped. Wonderful. I look to my left and I see Elena slowly getting up off of the old couch, with fresh blood oozing out of her.

"Elena, I need you to feed on my blood it will heal you otherwise I won't be able to control myself"

But before she could reply, someone rushed in and went to drink Elena's blood. Not on my watch, I ripped him off of  her and sent him flying to the other side of the room. He went to attack me until a woman called out.

"Trevor, control yourself!" The girl yelled.

"Sorry I couldn't help it." Trevor relied.

"He wouldn't be happy if you attacked the doppelganger and especially Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson." She hissed.

"Wait Rose as in the Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson  the soulmate of Kol mikaelson and the best friend of Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson??" Trevor asked fear rising up in him. 

Before the girl could continue I spoke up.

"Yes I am Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson the soulmate to Kol mikaelson and the best friend of Klaus and Elijah" I replied smugly. 

Elena looked confused.

"Who is Klaus and Elijah and Kol? Mikaelson?" She asked

"The original vampires, Klaus is your worst nightmare, Elijah noble and Kol a psychotic manic. Kol is Vanessa's soulmate who is a tribrid who is also a psychotic manic. Kol and Vanessa when together cause trouble but most importantly if something happened to one of them, the other has the same fate. Klaus and Elijah are wrapped around Vanessa's fingers and would do anything for her, they all would." The girl Rose explained.

"Does your brothers know anything about this Vanessa?" Elena asked

"No they don't know now I need to speak to rose and trevor so excuse me Elena." I replied harshly.

Trevor, Rose and I left Elena in the room to discuss why they kidnapped Elena and I.

"Now Rose explain why you took Elena and I?"
But before she could reply, there was a knock on the door, Trevor rushed me downstairs and left me with himself and Elena.

All we could hear was muffled voices, until they started getting closer. I then saw him.

"Elijah..." I whispered. But he didn't notice me he went straight to Elena.

"Human that's impossible.""Why hello there." He spoke politely. Elena trembled in fear. 

Elijah turned and then saw me standing confidently leaning on the wall watching everything unfold.

"Vanessa."He spoke with authority.

"It's good to see you again after two years 'lijah." I smirked.

"Two years is too long Nessa, Klaus can't wait to see you again, and then can reunite Kol with you as well." Elijah gave me a long hug. It felt nice seeing him again I felt safe. I can't wait to see Klaus again. 

"Since Kol has been daggered 'Lijah my legs are slowly turning grey." I looked down.

Elijah looked concerned. "Then we shall take you to Kol, once Klaus gives him to me but first I need to take care of business." As soon as he said that he turned and with one single swipe of a hand Trevor's head was sliced off completely. 

Rose was screaming. "Rose don't, now that you are free" Elijah said. Elena was shaking in horror.

Crash! Someone was upstairs. 

"Who else is here?" Elijah questioned as he grabbed Elena roughly by the arm, and held his hand out to me which I of course took.

"I don't know!" Rose replied with grief written all over her face.

We left the room and went towards the front door, we was about to leave until I was zoomed out of Elijah's hand. A had was over my face as I look up I saw Stefan my twin and Damon had Rose and Elena. 

"Hello whom this concerns you cannot defeat me. I want the girls but mostly Vanessa at the count of five otherwise heads will roll. 5..4.." Elijah spoke with so much authority that it made me tremble.

Elena went to the top of the staircase. "Please don't hurt my friends they just wanted to help me"

Elijah rushed up to her. "What are you planning?" 

All of a sudden, Elena threw a Vervain bomb. That's not gonna do nothing to Elijah has she learned nothing today. Stefan started firing wooden bullets at him, nothing stopped Elijah so Stefan tackled him down the stairs. Elijah was going to kill Stefan. Damon came out of nowhere, and stabbed Elijah in the heart with a coat rack, which killed Elijah and kept him against a wall. 

Only I knew that Elijah was not dead, but I still screamed out when I saw Elijah's body stuck on the wall. 

Elena came running down the stairs, and poor Damon thought she was running towards him but instead ran straight into Stefan and hugged him. Rose ran off. 

I went up to Damon and gave him a massive hug as he felt left out.

"Thank you for saving my Dam, I love you." A part of me felt guilty for saying I love you as Kol is linked to my thoughts and can see me while he is daggered due to being soulmates. Kol is going to be furious and jealous when he wakes up. Whoops.

"Of course Nessie I would do anything for my baby sister." He said in my neck. 

After that Stefan, Elena and Damon left.

"You not coming?" Stefan asked me.

"No I need to get rid of the body." I replied bluntly. 

"Okay see you at home Nessie."

When they were out of supernatural hearing distance, I pulled the coat rack out of Elijah and waited for him to wake up. But that doesn't take long due to him being an original. 

He gasped awake, and looked hungry for blood, so I gave him my blood it would cure his hunger but it's also vampire, werewolf and witch blood and I can only share it apparently with Kol otherwise he would be very angry with me, but I didn't care at this point in time my best friend needed blood, I hope he would understand.

"Kol is going to kill us when he wakes." Elijah stated.

"I am very aware." I responded.

"Is Klaus coming back to town soon then to break the curse."

"Yep so be prepared and protect Damon and Stefan." He told me.

"Of course. They might know my secret now of my past with you lot and me being Vanessa Salvatore Mikaelson, soulmate to Kol Mikaelson a murderous couple and best friends with Elijah and Klaus mikaelson. What could go wrong?" I joked.

"Elena's going to tell them about that aren't they?" He asked.

"Yep and so will Rose, she will give them everything about Klaus and my link with all of you." 

"Well that will be an interesting chat with your brothers."

"Well I have to get going now otherwise brothers will be worried bye 'Lijah." I said, as I hugged him.

"Bye Nessie, speak to you tomorrow okay."


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