The lie

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I am currently waiting for Kol to wake up.... sure he will be mad at Elijah and I but I am angry at him for lying to me....

He gasped awake and had revenge written all over his face but he soon calmed down when he saw me. 

Kol: Ness...

Vanessa: Don't Kol. You lied to me.

Kol: It was only a minor lie nothing major.

Vanessa: You've never lied to me why now?

Kol signed and said:" Because darling I needed to teach Bekah a lesson for dating a mortal.

Vanessa: But what if i was a mortal when we first met?

Kol: But that's different you are my soulmate not just a silly little crush Vanessa.

Vanessa: Whatever Kol.

I got out from the seat I was in and started heading for the door when I got spun around and my back against the wall. When I looked up and I saw Kol staring down at me trapping me between himself and the door. His hands on where on my shoulders stopping me from moving. Kol: Don't walk away from me darling." 

Vanessa: I do what I want Mr Mikaelson.

Kol: Now Mrs Mikaelson... let's go downstairs because I can hear my brothers bickering again. 

I groaned: Get off me then Kol

Kol: Not before I get my Kiss

Vanessa: Seriously Kol

Kol: Come on darling

He smirked at me and knowing that was one of my many weaknesses that he causes me I gave in and kissed him.

Vanessa: Never lie to me again okay?

Kol: I promise baby

Vanessa: I love you kol

Kol: I love you too Vanessa. Come on let's go see my siblings now.

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