Chapter 20

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Seeing you smile my dearest A-Bo, it makes me happy, it's what I am staying for on this world, I hope someday we can reunite in peace, someday I will be able to catch you from the fall that I failed in years ago, I will make it up to you my Bo Bo, I am sorry for the scars you have gotten all because of me, I can not wipe away the scars on your body, but I can wipe away the pain inside your heart.

I see you made a small loving family with Zhan and Haoxuan, and I am happy that you are happy, as long as I can see you smile I will continue waiting for you behind the curtains, waiting for my day to come, even if it will be a small fragment of time, someday, I will be able to have you in between my arms again, safely just like how it was in the past . . .


Wang Yibo's POV

Zhan ended up driving me to a mall in the midtown area and since it was Friday, the place was full of shoppers of all age.

"This is what you want to do most?" Zhan asked with a confused expression, and I blushed in embarrassment.

"W-Well . . . I never got to shop here before . . ." I tried to avert Zhan's burning gaze that was lingering on me, sometimes it was as if his eyes would burn through me.

"Hm, but you know this is not any big mall, right?" I sighed before replying, "I'm not looking for that, I just . . . I haven't had the chance to shop for myself in a very long time," my gaze followed the many young teenagers who were happily shopping with their friends, no worries visible.

"Is it because you have always been so busy with work?" I turned around to Zhan, he looked at me, a soft gaze visible in his eyes.

"Something like that, I suppose . . ." Zhan probably had sensed my sadness because he took both of my hands, smiling excitedly at me.

"If that's the case, then let's make this the best shopping spree day for you!" His cheerfulness was infections.

"Of course! There are so many things I wanna see here!" He smiled at me before answering, "Then let's explore the mall to your heart's content!"

"Haha~ I hope you will be able to keep up!" I laughed, walking ahead into the crowded mall of people.

"Hey, wait for me!" I giggled softly as I heard him trying to catch up with me while my eyes were taken in the rows of stores, I started to feel indecisive about what I really wanted to shop for, and in the end, my eyes lingered onto a stop by a florist tucked away from the crowd.

I strolled towards the booth to admire the fresh flowers, "wahh . . . Aren't they so pretty, Zhan?" I turned around, only to see that Zhan was nowhere in sight, eh? Where did he run off to?

"Would you like a flower, miss?" I turned my head towards the sudden humble yet familiar voice, and I almost bumped head with a just as familiar kind face.

"L-Lily . . . ?!" Lily chuckled lightly, her eyes warm like always.

"Out for a little shopping spree, Yibo?"

"In a way, but what are you doing here?" I don't get to answer right away because some boys were looking in our direction.

"Hey, don't you think that girl is kinda cute, almost like a model?"

"Oh my God! She's so cute, I swear I have seen her somewhere before!" I furrowed my brows at Lily, but she just blinked innocently back at me.

"D-Did those two boys just see you?"

"Oh yes, I made myself visible today, Grim Reaper need a break sometimes too, you know," I nodded dumbly at her casual answer, I never knew she could make herself visible.

"So, what kind of flowers do you like, Yibo?"

"O-h . . . Uhm . . . Let's see . . . I like so many of them, but somehow roses always catch my attention, they're just so beautiful to look at," I eyed the bundle of roses fondly.

"I see, they suit you very well."

"Eh? What makes you say that?" Lily took a rose, studying it closely before answering, "they're so beautiful but guarded by sharp thorns to fight off any danger, it symbolizes you perfectly- a strong, guarded beauty," I was honestly stunned at the bold honesty of her words, Lily handed the rose to me, but I shook my head shyly.

"I don't deserve such a praise, I'm not a beauty, nor am I even that strong, I can only wish to be like a rose," Lily had a mysterious unreadable smile on her face, I was waiting for her to say something, but she changed the subject.

"So, did you come here alone?"

"No, Zhan drove me here, but we got separated in the crowd of people, I probably should go look for him, he must be worried about me," I was about to take a step, but Lily stopped me from taking another one.

"Is everything alright, Lily?" I tilted my head curiously, Lily took a moment before speaking up again, "if you go back into that crowd, Zhan still won't be able to find you.

"Hmm . . . So what should I do now?"

"This mall isn't too big, I'm sure you will stumble onto each other eventually-"

"That's true, but . . ."

"I'm sorry, but may I be a little selfish today?" I stared at her blankly, waiting for her to say more, "may I spend the day with you instead?" Lily rubbed her nape awkwardly, and I smiled softly at her.

"Of course you can, Lily, I still haven't repaid you for helping me find Haoxuan's teddy bear, after all."

"I told you it wasn't a big deal, but . . . Since it gives me a chance to have a day with you, I have no regrets," Lily's genuinely happy smile was starting to make me even more excited.

"Oh yeah! Do you want to take a photo to commemorate this big day?" Lily pointed to a small photo booth not far away from where we were standing.

"Wow! I've never used a photo booth before!"

"All the more reasons to try it, so how about it, shall we take a few photo's together?" Lily offered her hand to me with a cute inviting smile.

"Why not? I don't get to do this often, after all," I placed my hand in Lily's and she led me to the photo booth, and I realized it was way smaller inside, we squeezed ourselves in the limited seating space.

"So how many photos would you like . . . ?"

Word count: 1167 words 

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