Chapter 24

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Wang Yibo's POV

The longer I listened to them, the more I felt heavy inside, Lily . . . What should I do . . . ?


"There we go! Spotless, just like new!" I looked at the newly polished kitchen counters with satisfaction, I wiped some sweat off my brow and checked the list of chores for today, "alright! Next up, Zhan's room!"

I started cleaning Zhan's room right away, Zhan is already out for a movie shoot again, thank God he's not messy like Haoxuan, I smiled to myself, opening a drawer to place some fresh towels, instead of an empty drawer, I saw a few yellow bottles roll into my view.

Wait . . . This . . . Is . . . ?

I dropped the towels on the floor, picking up one of the bottles, "I knew it! This is the same bottle I found!" I read the prescription label and get another shock, "what the heck? These are sleeping pills!"

I was quickly reminded of all the times he was hiding something in his pocket, some nights I even caught him drinking a little too much in the living room, Zhan . . . Just what are you facing on your own right now . . . ?

"What are you doing in my room?" I jumped out of my skin seeing Zhan standing by the door, his eyes narrowed at the bottle in my hand, "where did you get that?!"

The situation looked really bad . . .

What should I do?!

I stand my ground, matching his firm gaze, "in this drawer where you hid all of them, now it's my turn, why do you have so many of them?" Zhan quickly strode across the room, I braced myself for the incoming argument.

He snatched the bottle from my hand, "need I remind you that I'm your boss? You're not in any position to ask me questions." He tossed the bottle back in the drawer, slamming it closed.

"I am if my boss is keeping an unreasonable amount of sleeping pills!" Zhan towered over me, looking down with such cold anger, but I stood on the ground, staring at him with the same firmness.

"I don't remember paying you to be nosy about my private life."

"True, but you can't pay a concerned friend." I could see him being taken aback a little at my words, I pressed on, softer this time, "what's going on here? It's not healthy to have that many."

"It's not of your business, just drop it already Wang Yibo." Zhan's threat didn't faze me but seeing him about to walk away made my blood boil, I held onto his arm firmly to stop him, "are you too much of a coward to admit that you have sleeping problems?! Why? Is it because of the scandal with that bimbo actress? The one movie that failed? Or because the paparazzi just keeps posting lies about you? If you have a problem, you should vent, not drown it with a bunch of pills!"

"ENOUGH!" Zhan suddenly turned around to face me, the sudden movement caught me off guard and I started to fall to the floor, I shut my eyes tightly for the incoming impact.

"YIBO!" But it never came . . .

Instead, I felt myself being pulled up and the warmth started enveloping me.

"Oh my God . . . I'm sorry . . . I'm so sorry, Yibo." My eyes shot open when I heard his heartbreaking voice, Zhan was hugging me tightly, his voice so close next to my ear.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I wrapped my arms around him just as tight, "I'm so sorry, Zhan. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too, I pushed you . . ." Zhan pulled away, only keeping me at an arm's length, the pained look in his eyes was making it hard for me to breathe.

"Please don't hate me . . . I don't want you to be afraid of me." I touched his cheek gently, offering him my warmest smile, "that will never happen, Zhan."

Zhan's eyes stayed on the ground, I had never seen him so vulnerable before, "Zhan, I hope you know that I'm always here for you."

"But . . . Why?"

"Because I'm just playing the role of a concerned friend." We shared a special smile just for this moment.

"You have no idea how much I want to . . ." But our moment is sadly interrupted, the doorbell rang throughout the house.

In a few minutes, we were greeted by a panic-stricken Haoxuan, "Zhan, your mother is here . . ." I noticed right away that Zhan had gone pale.

"Hey, are you okay, Zhan?" I shook him a little to bring him back to the present.

"Y-yeah, Haoxuan, go hide in a room with Yibo."

"I'm on it." Haoxuan quickly grabbed my arm, so I followed him, "s-stop pulling me! I can walk, Haoxuan!"

"Keep your voice down!"

"What's going on?"

"Just move it already, dummy, I'll explain it later!" We both hid in Haoxuan's room, "okay, just what's going on here?"

"Shh . . . Be quiet, his mother can't know we're here."

"Exactly what I wanted to ask! Why are we hiding from her? Shouldn't we greet his family properly?" I stared at Haoxuna who warily shook his head, worry visible inside his chocolate brown eyes.

"Believe me, that won't be necessary." His voice was deadly while I kept staring at him, and Haoxuan ruffled a hand through his hair.

"You guys are so confusing me right now."

"Please, just be quiet and listen, it'll make sense soon . . ." Haoxuan had an unreadable look in his eyes, I sat by the wall next to him, trying to listen in on the conversation, the moment I heard the front door close, a woman started speaking . . . Or screaming, actually . . .

"So this is what you do all day?! Just laze around at home!"

"I was about to head out before you decided to visit, mother."

"Lies, just like when you said you were going to transfer money last week!" What the heck was wrong with this lady?!

I gave Haoxuan an incredulous look, but he could only shrug sadly.

"But I just gave you a big sum early this month."

"Well, I used it up already! Don't tell me you're running out of money, Zhan! I should've known! If it wasn't for that scandal and the failing movie, you would have made more money by now!" This screaming lady made my blood boil, but Zhan's silence just enraged me further.

"Why doesn't he fight back!" I hissed angrily at Haoxuan, but he just shrugged again, "I wish I had an answer to that, even I don't know Yibo, and I've been friends with him for such a long time . . ."

I was instantly reminded of his words not too long ago . . .

I know exactly how it feels . . .

Zhan . . . Haven't you faced enough already . . . ?

I gripped the hem of my shirt tightly, standing up to head for the door, "whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going?" Haoxuan spread his arms in front of the bedroom door.

"Giving her a piece of my mind!"

"You do NOT want to do that, that would only worsen the situation."

"How can you say that?! Aren't you, his best friend?! Isn't it our job to stand up for our friends?!"

"You think I never tried?!" I was immediately taken aback by Haoxuan's sharp words, "it's not just his mother that's the problem, Yibo, it's Zhan too . . ." I stared into his defeated eyes, even his shoulders were slumped sadly.

"What did you mean by that, Haoxuan?" Haoxuan looked like he wanted to tell me, but he only sighed, "just ask him that yourself, it will be better if you hear it from him . . ."

Word count: 1354 words 

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