Chapter 12

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You look so happy, so unbreakable, so much like the person you are inside my memories, I miss you, and I wish I could keep you safely between my arms just like when we were younger, but now you're grown up, a grown-up man, and you don't even remember me, I want to hug you, tell you the truth, but I don't wanna break you, I don't wanna hurt you, I miss you . . .


Wang Yibo's POV

"Damn right it has, sorry I haven't been around much," Haoxuan smiled sheepishly.

"Busy chasing models again?" Haoxuan shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Zhan's joke while I took a small step back.

"It's the models that do the chasing, Zhan, never the other way around," I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, what was he full of himself.

"Quit wasting time just standing there, come on in," I turned to Zhan who smiled at him.

"Thank you, but this boy here won't let me in," Haoxuan shot an arrogant smirk my way while I pouted and I said, "my apologies, but Zhan didn't inform me of your arrival."

"You seriously don't know me?" I sighed while turning me back to Haoxuan, "if you're an upcoming celebrity, then I'm sorry, I don't keep track of such boring things."

"Don't worry about it, Haouxuan always comes unannounced, but in any case, Yibo here is my new housekeeper, and Yibo, Haoxuan is one of my close friends," Haouxuan and I nodded at each other, his gaze on me was cold compared to when he was talking to Zhan and so did I returned his gaze.

"What brings you here, by the way?" Zhan talked to Haoxuan as if I was air.

"Ah! Thought I'd stop by and see if you're still alive since I've been away for a bit," okay, I was definitely air to them.

"Wow, such a great friend you are," I kept the urge in to wave at both of them saying, 'I'm still here too.'

"Hey, at least I showed up with a gift," Haoxuan handed him a bottle of wine, wow, that's an expensive brand of wine.

"Haha, you know my tastes damn well," my eyes went to Zhan again who had for once a sincere smile on his face.

"We've been friends for way too long," Haoxuan replied, how I wished I could have such a relationship with someone.

"Yeah, I get bored of your face sometimes," I silently watched them banter back and forth while being the clear third wheel.

"Oh yeah! Do you want to stay over until lunch?" Haoxuan's cold eyes went back on me, and it was as if he looked right through my soul.

"Is this boy gonna be cooking?" He cocked an eyebrow at me while I almost couldn't resist the urge of rolling my eyes anymore.

"O-Oh . . . Urm . . . Yes but d-don't expect too much, I guess," damn my shaky voice.

"I expect only the best, don't disappoint me," that smirk of his was starting to piss me off a little, Zhan lightly punched Haoxuan.

"Ignore this one, he's a grumpy cat," Zhan's gentle smile made me feel at ease.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to cook enough for all three of us," I tried to return Zhan's sweet smile.

"Great! Just call us when it's done," Zhan walked away, but Haouxuan didn't follow him right away, his curious, penetrating gaze made me self conscious.

"I-Is something wrong . . . ?" I inhaled deeply while his deep gaze didn't leave mine.

"Nothing, I'll be looking forward to lunch," I could finally breathe once both of them were gone.

In between love and death《Zhanyi version》Where stories live. Discover now