Chapter 19

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Wang Yibo's POV

"F-Fine, but don't get mad if I accidentally step on your foot!" I placed my hand in his hesitantly, Yibo gently wrapped his hand around mine.

"Haha! What's the worst that could happen?" He smiled at me, unknown of bad my dance skills, at the moment he was still able to smile.

"Me stepping on both of your feet . . ." I'd honestly had lost the count of how many times that hadn't happened.

"You say the most interesting things, Yibo," I had to admit he was so handsome when he's relaxed like this, Zhan pulled me closer to his body, I felt my breathing stop for a moment when his other hand rested on my lower back.

"Hmm . . . Are you alright, Yibo?"

"Y-Yes, it's just . . . I've never done this before," I shifted my gaze awkwardly to the floor, Zhan lifted my chin to lock me in his gaze.

"Do you trust me, Yibo?" He asked with such an honesty eye that I felt less shaky, but my heart was still acing like mad.

"Yes, without doubt," his gentle expression pulled on my heartstrings.

"Then don't worry about anything, even if you step on my foot or you're about to fall, I will keep dancing with you," I mirrored his smile with my own.

"Okay, lead the way," his grip tightened on my hand as we sway slowly, soon enough we follow the tempo of the slow jazz.

"You won't improve if you keep looking down, idiot," he lightly flicked my forehead making me look up with a visible pout on my lips.

"But I'll accidentally step on your foot!" I pouted again while looking him into his eyes.

"T-Then, just keep your eyes on me," I looked up in surprise at his suggestion, Zhan was looking straight at me, but I could see a hint of blush on his normal snow-white cheeks.

"Uhm . . . Are you okay, Zhan?"

"Of course I am! Just focus on the basic steps first, dummy," I smiled at his embarrassed eyes stealing glances at me, I felt a bit more confident following the easy steps.

"Do you want to try a twirl?" My eyes slightly widened at his question before I let out a deep sigh.

"I will definitely step on your foot if I do that . . ."

"Didn't I say I will keep dancing with you anyways?" Zhan gently twirled me around and then he pulled me back to his arms, and I didn't trip or step on any of his feet, so I looked up at him, excitedly.

"I did it!"

"Thank God my foot is safe," Zhan teased with a grin and I lightly hit his chest.

"I thought you said you wouldn't mind if I did," I fake pouted with before a big grin busted out.

"I know, but it's still a plus to walk away unharmed," I found myself laughing in his arms as we sway side to side.

"Do you want to try again?"

"To see if it was only beginner's luck earlier?"

"I-It's just nicer to see you smile than looking like a nervous little lion," little lion?

"What do you mean with 'little lion'?" He twirled me again while I was midsentence, and when he pulled me back, I tripped a little and landed on his chest, I could feel our bodies pressed together.

The atmosphere was different this time, the way his eyes stared so deeply into mine made my mind go hazy, "Yibo . . ." The way he whispered my name so low made my heart beat painfully fast.

"Yes, Zhan . . . ?" His eyes moved to my lips, and I found myself doing the exact same thing, w-what was happening to me . . . ?

It felt like there was only the two of us in this world, I could just feel his face getting closer, but then the music dies down and the radio host started speaking.

"O-Oh, I guess t-that's it for our dance lesson," I awkwardly stepped away from him, please don't hear how crazy my heart is beating right now, Zhan's hand stayed on my back for a moment longer before he realised me.

"Y-Yeah, that's too bad, but I hope you enjoyed it,"

"I enjoyed it very much, thank you, Zhan," both of us shared a smile just for this special moment . . .

Soon Zhan and I joined Haoxuan in the living room as nothing had happened.

"Good morning, everyone! Hm? What's the broom for, Yibo?" Haoxuan eyed down the broom and then back at me while Zhan sat down on the couch.

"I was just cleaning up a little, what else would I be doing?" Zhan chuckled, shaking his head.

"What you should be doing is taking it easy, it's weekend," I shifted my eyes back at Zhan.

"O-Oh, it's just that . . . You never really said when my day off is," this time Zhan shifted his legs awkwardly.

"Ah, that's my mistake then, I'm so sorry, so well, the weekends are officially your day off."

"I-Is that really okay?" I guess he saw some glittering inside my eyes because they both looked at each other and slightly chuckled

"Of course it is! Zhan and I are not that messy at all, so you don't need to clean the place every day!" Haoxuan jumped in between and I nodded.

"And yet your room is always a disaster, Haoxuan," and just like that I was sure they would quarrel again, sometimes they really acted like babies.

"Hey! Don't bring my room into this!" I laughed at their usual daily bickering, their friendship was very lively and while they argued, I could see Zhan holding a white envelope that caught my attention, and so Zhan caught my eyes after and shifted his focus back to me.

"Oh, right! The real reason I was searching for you was to give this," I held my head slightly oblique while looking at Zhan with questions, but I just shook them away.

"Eh? For me?" I took the envelope from his hand and opened it right away.

"It's your first paycheck as our housekeeper, I hope this is enough," my eyes widened at the amount of cash inside.

"T-this is more than enough, thank you so much!" I bowed deep and gratefully.

"Haha~ I did say I'd pay you the double, didn't I?"

"I-I don't know what to say . . ." I scratched my nape awkwardly while averting his gaze

"Then don't say anything at all just have fun spending it all!" Zhan hit Haoxuan's head playfully like always.

"I don't usually agree with Haoxuan's spending habits . . . But he has a point since it's your day off, why don't you go out for a change?" I smiled excitedly, clutching the envelope close to my chest.

"I would love that!" I smiled happily while looking at both of them.

"Great! So where are we heading?" Smiling at Zhan's excitement I turned to Haoxuan.

"Ah . . . I'm afraid I can't joining you two, I still have a shooting for today," I nodded at Hoaxuan with a small pout and he messed up my hair with a gentle smile.

"Sorry, but I'll make sure to join the next time, okay?" I smiled with a nod while looking sideways at Yibo and he winked at me.

"Alright, I hope you two have a good day and don't get into any trouble," I laugh a little before Haoxuan walked out of the front door.

So now only Zhan and I were standing in the big empty home, he turned to me with an excited smile.

"Okay, since you have a whole day to spend ahead, what is it that you most want to do?"

"Hmm . . . That's a tough question, give me second . . ." I scrunched my brows, thinking hard about how I should spend my first paycheck.

"Aha! I know exactly what I want to do!"

Word count: 1310 words

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