Chapter 1

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I closed my eyes tiredly while slowly massaging my temples, murmuring unheard words under my breath while the cold night air met me, I knew our ways would cross each other again, someday, but why in this way, why?

The moment I left the world on force I didn't want to leave you, I wanted to protect you, be your guardian angel and so did I stay in this world.

Sometimes I'm having the feeling I'm just like a wandering ghost, but then I would always remind myself of you, you were my reason to fight on.

"I'm sorry," the words were softly murmured and only heard by the hollow darkness that swallowed the words.

Making sure it disappeared without a trace as if I hadn't ever said anything.


Wang Yibo's POV

"What a cold night..."

A little sigh escaped out of my mouth and immediately changed to a little cloud because of the cold night, I hugged myself tightly for warmth in the chilly freezing weather that the winter brought with him.

The moon was hiding behind the beautiful night sky while the stars were shining like they were seeking attention, and maybe the moon was only beautiful because it was far away.

I tried my best to walk on with shaky legs, but it's really tough when you almost can't see well because of the darkness of the night, and the only light emitting from the moon was hiding behind clouds.

"Ahhh... I'm so tired..."

Out of nothing, my eyes started to get blurry, the last thing I felt was fatigue about to overtake me but then, once again out of nowhere, a bright white light completely blinded me. And just as suddenly it came, everything went black...

"Huh...? W-where am I...?" I stuttered, scared while a cold shiver ran down my spine.

In the pitch-black darkness, I suddenly saw scenes flying past me, it was almost like watching an old black-white movie, but then a movie about my very harsh and unlucky life.

I can't remember my parent's faces anymore, not that it matters anyway, because they were the ones that left me in front of an orphanage that was called Xingchen (Stardust). After that night I didn't hear anything about them ever again.

"Hey look! It's the ugly piggy, Wang Yibo!'' A boy shouted at me.

"HAHA! You're so ugly even your parents didn't want you!" he continued.

For some reason I will never understand, wherever I went, people just didn't like me.

No matter how hard I tried to make friends, no matter how much I tried to get along well... Doing whatever it took to fit in, I was just never accepted.

"Ugly piggy! Ugly Piggy! HAHAHA!" The boy started again, chanting the words over and over again until it almost was as if my ears started bleeding of the painful words.

I quickly learned that trying to fight back is of no use because the more you fight back, the harder they would push you to the ground, even though it hurt a lot in that time, even though it made me want to disappear into thin air...

I didn't ever let them see me crying.

"Why...? I just wanted to be friends..." I took a deep breath before I continued, "I just wanted to feel like I belong somewhere... Is that too much to ask for?"

"Whoops! Was that your bag Wang Yibo?" One of the girls said.

"Aww... So sorry for dropping it into the pool, I'm such a klutz." she continued talking while I could only watch all of my school books and stationary sink deep into the pool. I kept trying to break free and save some things, but how can you fight off three bullies all alone?

"Don't worry. I'm sure your parents can get you a new one, right?" "Oh, wait! You don't have any! HAHAHA!" "You're really pathetic, Wang Yibo," she said that right into my face before they left me there broken...

Once they left me alone, and after some time. I dove deep into the pool to get back all my things.

My tears disappeared along with the pool water, but the pain stayed so much longer.

"Just why...?"

"Why was I even born?!"

"If this is the life I'm supposed to lead..."

"I would just rather die..."

Despite the many years of bullying both at home and school, I still managed to graduate from high school. It was even a miracle to me, but it was the first time I ever felt so happy. The moment I was old enough to leave, I did various part-time jobs, it was nice to live independently, but once again, life brought me down.

It kept testing my will to live on this Earth, but then another thing hit my memory. This wasn't a memory I was talking about, but a feeling that always had been following me and gave me the feeling my life was at least worth something.

I've always had the feeling like there was a part of me missing. An indescribable feeling like I was missing a really important part, and it's on the top of my tongue but I just can't catch it, it was as if you had puzzled out a puzzle, but it turned out one single piece was missing.

There were days and nights I couldn't sleep because of the feeling, and there were also times that when I closed my eyes that I felt two invisible arms around me hugging me. And every time she gave me an invisible hug I smelled her scent. The light scent of burning sandalwood mixed with a light scent of vanilla. And every time before I felt her arms disappear there was always a light pressure on my forehead like someone gave me a slight kiss.

Even on some days, it was like I heard a slightly faint voice giving me the courage to keep living. There was one time the question crossed my mind. 'When did I start to feel her presence?' Only to realize later she had always been there, I was just too young to notice, she was like an invisible guardian angel...

Once the dreamlike movie ended, I heard faint voices in the distance, my eyes fluttered open to see an unfamiliar, desolate landscape.

"Owh... Where am I?!" I quickly sat up, my head whipping left and right, this was definitely not the alleyway where I was! When I looked around I saw I was sitting in the middle of a lifeless wasteland.

"How did I even end up here?" I stopped studying the place, when I heard faint voices coming from somewhere, I turned my head to see two figures talking a little distance away from me. One female girl, her maroon hair put in a high ponytail, and completely dressed in black like she was planning to attend a funeral. The other person was way too far which caused that I couldn't see him clearly, but looking at his body figure it was definitely a male.

I gulped nervously not knowing what the best thing to do right now was... It's much wiser not to wander around this unknown territory, right? Still, I couldn't help myself from trying to hear them, fastly enough I realized that my judgement was right.

They were standing too far away from the only words I could catch were from the girl, "please, this is all I will ask for," after that, I heard the male mutter something, but I was too far to hear it right, but it sounded like "don't regret?" After a moment the girl nodded? And then out of nothing the male turned around and walked away from her.

I clamped my mouth shut when the girl turned her head into my direction as if she noticed my heartbeat and my breath hitched.

She had green eyes that changed from green. It was hard to tell which colour green her eyes really were but I assume that it was emerald. Her eyes bored into mine and it sent a cold shiver down mine spine. The way her eyes were fixing on me it creeped me out and yet it looked in some way familiar. After some time of silence, she strides quickly toward me like she was flying, so elegant.

And then a faint voice whispered in my ear,

"100 days left... 100..."

Word counts: 1414 words

In between love and death《Zhanyi version》Where stories live. Discover now