Chapter 28

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Wang Yibo's POV

I paced back and forth nervously with fidget thumbs, come on . . . What was taking so long!

"Yibo, you need to calm down and rest for a bit after such an eventful day." I looked up at Lily while Haoxuan continued, "yeah! We don't want you to end up in the hospital next." Their caring smiles warmed my heart.

"Are the three of you Mr Xiao's family members?" We all turned to the nurse, but Haoxuan was the one answering, "we're his close friends, his family members will be here a bit later."

The nurse nodded before responding, "well, the good news is Zhan is not in a life-threatening situation, he only has some minor contusions and inhaled a bit of the smoke, but the real reason I'm keeping him here to be monitored is because of his extreme exhaustion, I want him to fully rest and recover here before something  much worse happens."

Haoxuan nodded with an answer, "I think that's for the better, thank you, doctor." We thank the nurse again before she left, then stand there for a moment of silence.

"I didn't know it would be this bad . . ." I said, my breath hitching while thinking back.

"Whoa, whoa! I'm going to have to stop you there," Lily said, ruffling through my hair, "yeah! Don't start blaming yourself, dummy!" I turned to Haoxuan.

"B-But . . ." 

Haoxuan cut me off again, "what Zhan needs right now is some cheering up." Lily nodded in agreement, "so let's greet him with a smile on our faces!" Lily quickly wiped my tears away from my eyes while I put on my brightest and bravest smile.

"You're right! Let's help him recover even faster so we can go home together!"


"About time you all arrived, I was almost starting to assume I dreamt the whole thing," Zhan said, making all three of us chuckle.

"We wanted you to be stuck here so we can pester you more," Haoxuan said, chuckling.

"Yibo, can you remind me why I even let him stay at my home?"

I held back a laugh, "Haoxuan basically invited himself to move in." All of us laughed together and I felt lifted by the lighthearted atmosphere.

"But all jokes aside, I'm so sorry for making you all worry so much, and I am also thankful for your collective effort in saving me," Zhan said, his eyes and smile became softer, "I don't think I could ever repay you three for being such amazing friends in my life." 

"Well, we couldn't just let Yibo go in there alone to save you." I pouted, "h-hey! You guys would've done the same!" 

Haoxuan chuckled, "of course we would, but you were worried before you even knew about the accident," Haoxuan said.

"La la la~ I don't know what you're talking about~" I covered my ears to block out their teasings, but I could catch Zhan's eyes fully focused on me, in an instant, my cheeks started warm and my heart quickens.

"Anyways! Let's decide who gets the first watch." Even before Haoxuan was able to continue I spoke up, "I volunteer, you and Lily did most of the work anyway." 

"You know that's a lie, you were fussing the whole night," Haoxuan said, but Zhan held up a hand to stop our argument with a smile.

"I think it's better if I decide, Yibo will get the first watch tonight, besides, I have something important I need to speak him about." I tilted my head curiously at his cryptic smile.

"As a general rule, we must obey the patient's wish," Lily said, winking at me before pushing Haoxuan out of the room.

"Hey! Wait a minute! I'm not done bothering him yet!" I chuckled while Lily kept pushing Hoaxuan, "good night you two, I hope you'll behave, and I will take care of that idiot." Lily winked at me.

"W-What's that supposed to mean!" Once again Lily only winked playfully before leaving with Haoxuan in tow, "geez . . . She's always saying these strange things."

"That's just Lily's character." Zhan's soft chuckle pulled my attention back to him, I suddenly felt nervous about being in this room alone with him.

"S-So . . . Uhm . . . Do you want to eat something or perhaps a drink?" I mentally facepalmed, wanting the Earth to swallow me alive.

"I would like for you to come a little closer." I sat on the plastic chair next to the bed, we shared a smile, and I was able to see his thumbs fidging a bit.

"Are you okay, Zhan?" He looked up in a daze, "hm? Y-Yeah . . . I'm fine." His eyes stared deep into mine, and I could tell he wanted to say something, "I'm sorry, Yibo."


"If there's anything I should say to you first, it should be an apology, I'm so sorry, Yibo, I know you won't forgive me, but-"

"W-Wait just a moment, what are you even apologizing for?" He looked down at his hands that were still fidging, and I could clearly see it was bothering him really badly.

"For the things, I said to you during our argument, the way I've treated you the past few days, the depressing things I said at the accident site, I'm sorry for my horrible actions." Zhan clumsily bowed his head low in apology, and his voice was filled with such guilt that it pulled at my heart.

I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, raising his face slowly to meet my eyes, "I was just too childish and immature to take the cold, hard truth . . ." My breath hitched in my throat.

I touched the side of his face, smiling gently, "then I should apologize too, I jumped n blindly and spilt my thoughts, I'm sorry for being too harsh and impulsive . . ." Zhan placed his hand on mine.

"I know  you were bravely standing up for what was right, and you've done it too many times  for me, so please don't apologize because you woke me up from a long slumber." I was stunned into silence by his words.

Zhan leaned back against the bed, "I was in that state for so long, every day, I kept doing my best to reach high exceptions and be perfect-"

"But nobody is perfect in the end, right?" He nodded with a sad smile.

"I messed up, but it wasn't intentionally, maybe my luck ran out, I didn't expect that movie to fail or the actress to have a bad reputation.

"Did you really have an affair with her?" Zhan shook his head, "of course not, she wasn't that pleasant to work within the first place." I nodded, letting the information sink in.

"Then why did you do it if you didn't like her?" Zhan shook his head regretfully, "I want to say I don't know, but what's the point of lying to you?"

"You did it for your mother . . . ?" He nodded, eyes downcasted.

Word count: 1255 words


I must be crazy, I wrote three chapters for this book today, and counting the one of yesterday night makes four!!

*sighs* It seems like I really can't stop writing for this book, so consider yourself lucky XD.

Anyways, I'll head off to take a rest, hope you liked it if so don't forget to comment and vote~

Until the next time~

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