Chapter 23

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You'll soon know more about me my little A-Bo, I miss you, I want to hug you, but I can't, I know you're in good hands with Zhan and Haoxuan, they will love you like a family, they are the family I was never able to gift you my di di, they took you away from me, and I wish you will someday understand my actions . . .

I was selfish . . .

I know . . .

And I am sorry . . .


Wang Yibo's POV

"R-Right it was a big surprise to see you today," I could only muster an awkward reply, but why did I felt so guilty?

"What a small world indeed, do you have some time Lily? I'd love for us to catch up," Zhan's voice was careful while he examined Lily.

"Uhm . . . As much as I would love to, I have something else coming up," I saw an uncomfortable glance inside Lily's eyes while she rubbed her cheeks awkwardly before Haoxuan jumped in, "Eh . . . Can't you skip it? We haven't seen each other for a long time after all."

"I really can't . . . I'm sorry . . ." My heart dropped when I saw her smile tremble a bit, Zhan raised his hand stopping Haoxuan from asking further and spoke up, "we understand, but I still hope we can catch up some other time," Lily hesitates for a moment before answering Zhan, "I hope so too . . ."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked at Lily's state, her eyes were so sad looking, Lily bid us farewell and we spend a moment wrapped there in our own thoughts, in the end, Haoxuan broke the silence with a small voice, "I really can't believe it . . . Lily is alive . . ."

"yeah, my jaw dropped when I saw her in the café too, I should've known those rumours were straight-up lies," I turned my head towards Zhan, when Haoxuan again responded, "Yeah . . . How could I had been so stupid for even believing them in the first place? I could see a tormented look in Haoxuan's eyes even Zhan had a sombre expression, I felt like I should lighten up the mood.

"But it's still nice to know the rumours were false, right?" Before I could blink twice Haoxuan already answered, "damn right it is! I just feel like making those idiots for coming up with such lies," I sighed.

"I'm really curious how the three of you became friends . . ." I looked at both Zhan and Haoxuan, Zhan smiled softly before speaking up, "it's actually a bit of a long story, you sure you wanna hear it?"

"I'm just curious since the three of you seem rather so different." Zhan chuckled at my words and though for a moment, "true, our personalities are very different, but I believe that's the reason why we're such close friends."

"You can click with certain people, even if your backgrounds are different." Haoxuan filled in

"I see . . . How long have you been friends?" Zhan and Haoxuan shared a nostalgic look, "Lily and I were classmates until our high school years," I nodded at Zhan while Hoaxuan took it over, "I ended up occasionally hanging out with them even though we were in different years."

"Hahaha~ That was because you wouldn't leave us alone." Zhan messed up Haoxuan's hair with a soft chuckle.

"Cut it out, you big idiot!" I laugh at their usual antics, "so what happened after that? You three sounded inseparable?"

"The reason we were such good friends was because of the similarities in our upbringings." Haoxuan once again interrupted Zhan, "let's just say we had horrible adults looking after us." Zhan smiled wryly ar Haoxuan's comment, "I'd rather not go into that part if you don't mind."

I nodded at Zhan's words, "not at all, I respect your privacy, but am I being too forwards if I just want to know what the rumours were about?" Another pained expression crossed their faces, "s-sorry, I was just curious."

"N-No, there s no need to apologize, Yibo." Haoxuan remained quiet at the question while Zhan took a moment before answering, "so after we graduated from high school, the three of us went sperate ways, I pursued my acting career, and Haoxuan went abroad, Lily on the other hand . . . I wasn't sure what happened, although it was my fault for losing contact after my phone broke."

"I tried contacting Lily but her number wasn't in use any longer, not long after that, we met one of our old classmates, and this is the most messed up part." Haoxuan gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"That person told you about the rumours, right?"

"Yes, he told us that Lilt had killed herself . . ." I gasped in shock at his words.

"Both of us had that very same reaction." Zhan said softly, "but we didn't believe it, Lily wouldn't do such a thing!" I listened to Haoxuan again, before Zhan continued, "when we asked where the grave was, nobody could tell us, so we clung to a small hope that Lily was alive out there somewhere."

Haoxaun nodded, "indeed, and it turned out she really was! That idiot didn't even try to look for us." I patted Haoxuan's back gently.

"I'm sure she was just nervous after being away for so long."

"Still an idiot move, we promised to be best friends, no matter what." I smiled at Haoxuan's honesty.

"How would you described Lily as a person?"

"Hmm . . . She's always smiling and always the one that lightened the mood up, she's just an amazing friend, she helped me through tough times." Zhan's fond smile turned a little sad now, "and yet I got caught up in so much stuff that I eventually forget about her, just what kind of friend am I . . . ?" Zhan sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration, the sight of it broke my heart, I touched his hand gently and met his eyes . . .

"I'm sure Lily would understand, I mean, isn't it better than you've reunited now than never at all?" Zhan was taken aback by my words, his face broke into a small smile while I felt myself blush when he wrapped his hand around mine.

"Yeah . . ." His voice was so gentle that my heart skipped a beat . . .

Word count: 1109 words 

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