Chapter 16

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Wang Yibo's POV

"Hey, at least it's two idiots who would go through these trash bags for you," I rolled my sleeves up and started to open a bag, Haoxuan sat next to me, untying another bag.

"I know, so . . . Uhm . . . Thanks . . . Or whatever," he muttered quietly again, but I still could hear him, I gave him a playful grin.

"Thank me later when we find your precious teddy bear," the three of us focused on carefully rummaging through each trash bag, even after going through so many, we still couldn't find it.

"How many bags do we have left?" I looked sadly at the last bag in my hand while not answering Zhan just yet.

"I'm already on the last one and it's not in here either . . ." I tried to mumble as soft as possible as if it would soften the pain.

"I see . . . I guess it got thrown away first. . ." Haoxuan looked at the opened trash bag around us dejectedly, Zhan met my eyes with a sad look, I bend down on the floor again, sifting through the opened bags.

"What are you doing, Yibo?" I looked up at Haoxuan.

"I think we should keep searching, there might be a chance we overlooked it . . ."

"But we checked everything . . ." His voice sounded hopeless.

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to try again," both of them nodded at my words, brand new resolve visible in their eyes, and we went back to searching again, I may have tried to lift their spirits, but even mine was starting to dwindle, just where could that teddy bear be? Damn it!

"Still no luck? Lily suddenly appeared, surprising me a little.

"Lily! Do you have some kind of magic that helps us find a teddy bear?" Lily chuckled in amusement before answering me with a serious look again, "I wish I had a teddy detector, sorry Yibo," my shoulders slumped at her answer.

"I figured as much, but couldn't hurt to ask," I sighed deeply.

"Hmm . . . Have you checked that trash bag behind the pillar?"

"Wait! There's another one!" I immediately got to my feet and looked in the direction Lily was pointing to, sure enough, there is another trash bag hidden behind a pillar.

"Guys! I found another bag!" I could hear the two of them rushing to me as I untied the knot, a smile broke across my face widely when I felt a soft toy touching my fingers.

"Did you find anything?" Haoxuan looked at me with desperate hope visible inside his eyes.

"Does your teddy looks like this?"

"Mr Snuggles! You really found him!" Haoxuan gently took the worn-out teddy bear from my hands, he hugged the bear so tightly and I could see that he was near to tears, that sight was adorable.

"Good job finding it, Yibo," Zhan gave me a pat on the back.

"Thanks, but I had a little bit of help," I glanced at Lily who was still at my side, and I smiled grateful to her, and Lily gave me a small wink before disappearing again.

"Thank you so much, Yibo! I'll keep it safely in my room from now on . . ."

"Wait, do you mind if I suggest something?" Haoxuan stopped in his tracks, looking at me curiously.

"Do you mind if I help you fix it up?"

"Eh? There's no need, you already did a lot by finding it for me!"

"But the arm is torn apart, I can sew it before it falls apart . . ." I looked at him while he looked somewhat surprised which made me not able to withhold a small smile blooming onto my face.

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you even further . . ." He scrapped his nape nervously while I smiled at him, and happy about the fact that I did ended up learning sewing in the orphan.

"It's no trouble at all, sewing work is easy for me," Haoxuan looked at me for a moment and then slowly handed the teddy to me.

"Fine, since you insist, if anything happens to it, I won't forgive you," I giggled as he childish pouted, "I'll make sure to take good care pf it Haoxuan, alright?"

"Hahaha, you're such a cute kiddo, Haoxuan," Zhan patted Haoxuan's head like he was a small puppy and I giggled softly while watching the two.

"S-Shut up and go home already, you two! Geez . . .

After we bid him goodbye we drove back home, I looked down at the teddy happily, excited to start working on it right away


"Just a little bit more and . . . DONE!" I held up the fully fixed teddy bear with a proud smile.

"Wow! It looks like a brand new bear!" Lily appeared at my side, her eyes lighting up at the cute teddy in my hands.

"Hehehe, it took me only three hours to fix it."

"Eh . . . You're really good at sewing, Yibo," I blushed a little at Lily's compliment.

"I mean . . . Just a little, nothing crazy . . ." I remembered the first time I learned sewing when that sharp needle pricked my finger every single time, and I felt like crying, but in the end, it was worth it.

"A good job deserves a good praise," my cheeks burned even more at her kind smile, I quickly changed the subject before she could notice my flushing cheeks.

"A-Anyways! Thank you so much for helping me find the teddy."

"Ahh . . . I only pointed out a random bag you missed, it's nothing . . ."

"Still, without your guidance, I wouldn't have noticed! You're the best guardian angel ever!" I smiled happily, hugging the teddy bear close to my heart, and Lily suddenly became awkwardly quiet.

She looked away, rubbing her cheeks awkwardly, and somehow that movement looked in someway familiar as if I had seen it somewhere before, but it was on the tip of my tongue, yet not reachable.

"Is everything okay, Lily?" Lily muttered something under her breath, but I didn't catch it.

"Sorry? What was that?"

"I said . . . Are you going to wash that teddy? It's probably dusty, right?"

"That's right," I snapped at Lily's word, totally forgetting to wash the teddy, "I better wash it in the sink!" I immediately went to the bathroom and washed the teddy there carefully, after I was done I hung it on the towel railing to let it dry.

"There we go! I'm sure it'll dry completely by tomorrow!"

"You did such a great job, Yibo, I'm sure Haoxuan will appreciate your effort you put in," I simply nodded at him happily, before leaving the bathroom, I took one last glance at the cute teddy.

"I wonder why it means so much to Haoxuan, he was a completely different person when the teddy was in his hands again, he wasn't so . . . cold nor intense . . ."

"Perhaps it's very dear to Haoxuan because someone important gave it to him," Lily's answer made me look at her curiously.

"Who do you think it is?"

"Hmm? Who knows? Don't you think it's better to ask Haoxuan that yourself?" Lily shrugged with a mysterious smile.

"Yeah, I guess that's true . . ."

"Anyways, it's getting late, cute boys should get enough sleep."

"Yeah, I'll head straight to bed after my shower," I yawned while stretching my arms.

"I'll leave you to it then, good night, Yibo," Lily disappeared and I was alone in my room, again, why did it felt like she knew more than she let me know . . . ?

Word count: 1264 words

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