the cowards

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Lisa was trying to be extra careful though she secretly hopes Jisoo's smart ass would find out and be fine with it.

She badly needs to at least tell someone, but Jennie kept turning the idea down.

It was fine though, or at least that was what Lisa kept telling herself. It's just... It's getting hard for her keeping this secret from everyone, from her best friends.

"What's with the long face?" Jennie asks sweetly, plopping next to the blonde on her bed and kissing the side of her lips, the moment she enters Lisa's room.

"I just missed you," the Thai answers instead, lying on her side so she could brush her nose against dumpling cheeks that of course made Jennie giggle.

She really did miss Jennie though. The latter has been so busy with solo activities that it's a miracle they were both at their dorm today.

"Yeah?" Jennie smiles, wrapping her arms around Lisa's nape intimately. "How was your day, Lili?"

"I just ate all day with Rosie. Now she's out to eat with Jisoo unnie," Lisa chuckles, leaning on her pillow as she studies Jennie's face, appreciating every bit of her beauty as she tries to make the conversation longer, "What did you eat for dinner?"

"Dinner? Hmm, strawberries?"

Lisa frowns, "How many?"

Jennie laughed. "I'm not hungry, Lis."

"What snack did you eat before that?"

"I ate some salad for lunch."

That just made Lisa frown more. Seems like Jennie made the exact opposite of what she did all day, which was eating.

"You shouldn't starve yourself, Nini," Lisa furrows her brows while looking at how pale and tired Jennie suddenly looked. She didn't notice it earlier, too focused on how surreal the latter looked like.

"I wasn't," Jennie sighs.

"But your schedule is tight these days," Lisa argued.

"That's why I needed to be really careful of my figure or else I'll gain weight. You know how easy I gain weight."

"Jennie," Lisa traces the other girl's jawline with her fingertips, staring her straight in the eyes, "You're perfect to me. You are, in the eyes of everyone. I know you're just trying to maintain your figure but please, don't overdo it. Okay? I don't want you to get sick."

The Korean's heart flutters, at the same time she felt vulnerable before those pretty doe eyes of Lisa.

"Okay," Jennie gave her a slight nod, and if only she didn't look away, it would've made Lisa smile at least a little. The Korean laid flat on her back, biting her lip. "I'm sorry. I guess I've just read too many mean comments these days that I've been a little obsessed with trying to be perfect, which I obviously fail at doing."

"Then your mirror must be fooling you because my eyes are telling me something else. That I'm with the prettiest," Lisa presses her lips on her temple, "sexiest," then on her cheeks, "kindest," she lifts herself up a little and hovers over Jennie to kiss her nose, "sweetest," she skips the Korean's curled, luscious lips to kiss her chin, "and the most lovely girl in the world," she finally finishes with a full kiss on Jennie's lips.

Jennie momentarily closed her eyes for that quick kiss, and when she opened them, they're finally twinkling. The usual shine that they have, whenever Lisa looks at them.

If there's one thing Lisa never fails to do, it is to make Jennie smile even on her worst days.


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