the kids

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A/N: Added a picture in this chapter because... why not?

Gentle reminder: This story is a work of fiction.

Also, I didn't proofread this chapter so I apologize in advance hahahaha. Hopefully I'll be able to update here more once I finish my other on going story!


"Pretty," Lisa murmurs while taking a picture of a brunette in between her legs.

Jennie's legs were dangling on the floor, holding Dalgom on her arms while sitting on the couch meanwhile Lisa's busy photographing her and showering her with compliments that makes her blush furiously.

"How are you so pretty?"

"You're one crazy woman," Jennie pushes her lightly while holding back her smile. She pouted when Dalgom jumped off, settling on the floor instead.

"It's because your beauty doesn't make sense. How are you even possible?" Lisa teased, taking another shot of her that Jennie tried hard to dodge by burying her face on the Thai's stomach.

Lisa laughed. A little because it's ticklish, but more because of how adorable the brunette is whenever she suddenly goes shy like this. Even after everything they've done together, she still gets shy over a camera.

This girl calls herself a bad bitch on stage, keep that in mind.

Bringing her camera down to the nearest table, Lisa slowly started tickling the brunette with her hands, who then screamed and squirmed while trapped in Lisa's legs.


"Hmm?" the younger one grins, not having any sympathy as she continued tickling her.

"Stop- I'm- Y-Yah!" the brunette half cries and half laughs, hitting Lisa everywhere just to make her stop.

"A-Ahh! That hurts," Lisa pouts, stopping when her chin was accidentally grazed by Jennie's knuckles a little too hard.

"Serves you right," Jennie murmurs, catching her breath while her hands rest on Lisa's thighs. Not even a second after she said that, she went on her knees to climb on top of the other girl who is now leaning on the back of the couch, "Oh, my poor baby."

Lisa suddenly forgot about the sting while Jennie examines it, fingertips on her jaw line. She tries to fight a smile when Jennie pressed her lips on her chin then stared at her, "There. Does it still hurt?"

The Thai dramatically rolled back her head and closed her eyes, pointing at her cheek, "It hurts here too."

She felt Jennie adjust herself on her lap, then felt another soft kiss on where she pointed.

"Here too," she pointed at her eyelids and received a kiss there without complaints.

"And here," she pointed at the corner of her lips, opening her eyes when she heard a giggle, thinking Jennie wouldn't comply but she still did.

"Just ask for a kiss you dork," Jennie lowers her head to peck Lisa's puckered lips, and just when she's about to pull back she felt the Thai's hand cradling the back of her head, urging a deeper kiss.

Jennie's hands naturally snakes around Lisa's nape, tilting her head as she delivers a steamy kiss. One of Lisa's arms is on her waist, pulling her against her body, when they heard a door being opened. The pulled away and briefly looked at each other, Jennie still straddling Lisa.

Thankfully, Jennie's mind works perfectly under panic. Her fingers wrapped on Lisa's neck, her eyes became fierce. "Yah! Lalisa!"

"Jen... U-Unnie," Lisa's eyes widened, but went along.

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