the punishment

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I didn't proofread this one but here it is. Online classes are too damn exhausting that I get even more lazy when writing (please accept my excuse)

Also, some ideas are from the comments. Thanks guys love you lots ;) lmaoo


"I really like him," Chaeyoung wipes a tear while her unnies watch her with a frown.

"I'm sure it will work out, Chaengie," Jisoo squeezes her hand, while Jennie nods with a supportive smile.

"How long before you can take him home?"

"The vet said two to three months. I hope he gets well really soon, Unnie."

"He will, Rosie," Jennie wipes the younger girl's cheek, "Don't cry now, okay? Jisoo and I will give you lots of tips when you already have him."

They were talking about the puppy that Chaeyoung wanted to adopt but still has to stay in the animal clinic to recover from a really bad disease. Chaeyoung knew she could just easily adopt healthy dogs that look really cute, but that poor puppy really felt like it needed a home and Chaeyoung wanted to give him that.

Now here they are, with the two older girls trying to sympathize with her when a sleepy looking Lisa came out of her room, Lili in her arms, who jumped off and ran towards Jennie to her surprise. As if she couldn't stand her own owner and flew away the first chance she got.

Lisa was stunned for a moment, watching Jennie smile as the girl scoops Lili in her arms, then just shrugged it off, finally noticing Chaeyoung with her nose red from the crying.

"What's wrong, Rosie?" she asks worriedly, sitting on the armchair while wrapping her arms on the girl.

"I just told them about the puppy we saw the last time."

"Oh, that poor little puppy. You already like him a lot, don't you?"

"It was like we have some kind of connection," she sighs, snuggling closer to Lisa.

Here it goes again. It's like day by day, Jennie's being tested by everyone being clingy to Lisa. As if fate is taunting her because everyone except her can be this intimate with Lisa.

While she has Lili in her arms.

When she averted her gaze, she finally notices Jisoo staring at her. The older one gave her an encouraging smile, which she returned gratefully.


"Where's Lisa?" Teddy asks, seeing only the three girls in the studio.

"On her way, Oppa," Chaeyoung replies while munching on her apple. She lowered it, realizing with the way Teddy looked at her that they weren't supposed to eat in the studio.

Sighing, he walked to his table, "It's okay Rosé, you can finish it."

"True. Lisa eats here all the time with Somi," Jisoo grins.

Again, Jennie pouts. Just today, Lisa's late because she went out with Bambam and Sorn, and now she learns that Lisa's been hanging out with Somi too. Suddenly, Lisa has time for everyone. Did she keep Lisa all to herself while they were together or did Lisa just loved to only spend the whole time with her before?

It felt like there's always some distance between them.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Lisa came rushing in, walking towards Jisoo and Rosé's side even when the two occupied a couch much smaller than where Jennie is sitting alone.

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