the cat lady

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Lisa gaped at Jennie, whose lips were on her cheek in just a blink of an eye and a turn of her head.

Blinks screamed at the same time she finally snapped out of reverie, finally remembering that they are having a concert and that she should try to look less stupid.

She and Jennie were both seated on the stage floor while singing their group song Stay. She looked down on the floor as she stood up, trying not to think about how Jennie was the one who initiated the random flirting on stage for fun.

It shouldn't matter whoever initiates some fanservice, but still, Lisa wasn't used to Jennie doing just that. Her heart flutters ridiculously during those rare times that her unnie initiates those acts.

Just like what happened earlier. She was about to steal a kiss on Jennie's cheek when she realized that the brunette was just waiting for her to turn her face to plant a kiss on her own cheek.

Her unnie sure love to surprise her, but it's not as if her heart wouldn't flutter the same way if it was either Jisoo or Chaeyoung did it to her, right?

Lisa swallowed dryly as she watched Jennie— still giggling at her surprised reaction.

Shaking off the weird feeling, Lisa decided to just focus on the crowd as they performed the last song for that night.


It was their most awaited day off. Chaeyoung went out to eat with some friends from the entertainment industry. Jisoo went home to spend time with her family. Jennie is still asleep in her room while Lisa is spending time with her cats, Leo and Luca.

"Ouch! Leo..." the blonde sulked, sitting on the floor while looking at her bruised wrist that Leo scratched, forcing her to let him go.

Luca was just staring at Lisa while walking gracefully beside her.

"Hi sweetheart," Jennie's voice made Lisa look up.

It was Leo she was referring to.

The brunette had just came out of her room, hair a little messy but nevertheless looked cute in her usual morning sleepy look, a hint of a gummy smile appearing as Leo approached her— rubbing himself on her ankles as if wanting her attention.

"Traitor," Lisa accused Leo.

Jennie stifled a laugh as she crouched for a second to pick up Leo, then went over to the blonde who was sitting on a corner.

"What are you saying mommy Lisa? Leo's a good, good boy," Jennie said in a cute, baby voice as she fondled the cat's furry tummy, occasionally burying her face on him that makes him purr in delight, "Right Leo?"

Lisa held back her smile, raising instead her wrist for Jennie to see, "He scratched me," she pouted.

"That's a long one," Jennie sighed with a frown.

As if he knew he was busted, Leo jumped out of Jennie's arms, running away to the kitchen. Luca hissed then walked away too.

Jennie grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet then quickly went back to Lisa, who's just about to stand up.

"Here, let me treat you first," the brunette kneeled down before Lisa, gently pulling the Thai's wrist to inspect it first.

Lisa felt that weird feeling again, accompanied by a chill that ran down her spine when Jennie's fingertips touched her skin.

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