the one with Lisa's birthday pt2

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The moment Lisa stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a yellowish pajama dress and matching fluffy slippers, a savory smell of a delicious, rustic, spicy stir-fry dish instantly welcomed her.

The blonde couldn't make it up, but it smelled just like her favorite Thai dish called Pad Kra Pao Gai. Remembering Jennie asked her to meet in the balcony, her feet quickly brought her there where the same aroma came from.

Her eyes widened, seeing how there are mattresses on the balcony with pillows all around it, tiny lights hanging up on the air with candles and wine drinks on a tray in the middle.

Her eyes widened, seeing how there are mattresses on the balcony with pillows all around it, tiny lights hanging up on the air with candles and wine drinks on a tray in the middle

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On the side is a tray cart containing two servings of the Thai dish she loves, a bottle of wine, and a platter of chips with dips.

Lisa gasps at the same time an instrumental of a classical music played in the background.

"I don't want to take all the credit, I've got the idea online."

Lisa turns around to see Jennie, wearing her own set of PJs, smiling shyly while looking like she just got out of bath. The blonde felt a tight knot inside her stomach while looking at her, the lights emitted from the bulbs making Jennie's skin glow brighter, her pretty eyes twinkling like the same stars visible from the dark sky.

"So? Did I do it any justice?" the Korean's laugh sounded a bit nervous, edgy, probably even embarrassed.

It might be because she's easily emotional when in awe, but Lisa felt like crying, overwhelmed by the beauty of everything and by Jennie's efforts.

"It's... wow, it's wonderful. I don't really know what to say," Lisa walks to her closely, silently, as if afraid to ruin how perfect everything is.

"I cooked your favorite too. I know it isn't that fancy, it might not even come close to how your dad cooks it because I just looked it up in the internet. It's not even that hard to make but I've been practicing for the past week-"

The thing with Jennie is she's the most confident woman Lisa has ever known, and it's what makes her more beautiful along with her beautiful soul, but there are times like this where Lisa wasn't sure why Jennie's losing her confidence. It's just her, Lisa, why does Jennie occasionally look down on herself for things that Lisa finds amazing?

"This is perfect," Lisa cuts her off while pulling her in her arms, trying to calm her own heart because as ironic as it was, Jennie helps her calm down more than anyone else ever could, "It's more than anything I could ever ask for. Thank you Jennie."

Jennie didn't mind being called by just her name, if anything, it made her smile because it feels different whenever Lisa calls her with it.

"People are celebrating your birthday all over the world, doing things that would make your heart explode because there's too much love everyone gives you. I know how that feels, it's really amazing and at the same time scarily overwhelming. And I know this is nothing compared to the billboards put up just to greet you, to the parties people throw for you, the donations people do on your name, the gifts you receive, the projects done by the fans, but I want to at least make it more memorable for you," Jennie says softly, both of them silently swaying along with the music while lost in each other's arms.

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