the human

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My mom is my best friend.

She made me who I am today. A proper young lady, talented and pretty, if I were to use other people's words. My mom would always smile proudly whenever she hears those compliments.

People often say I'm a spitting image of my mommy, be it with my looks or with the way I present myself and dress up.

When I studied in New Zealand before and lived there alone, I really missed her a lot, but it wasn't until then that I realized how important family is, to have your own support system beside you all the time. Back then, it was really hard to be without her physically. But her support, I never doubted.

So when I came back to live here for good, we became much closer and that was when I realized how lucky I am to have such a cool mom. Cool, because she accepted me. I wished to pursue my dreams and she supported me, although it wasn't easy to persuade her.

I would be nothing without her.

If you were to ask Jennie what she was most afraid of, it would be losing what she treasures the most... her family.

Her family which includes her friends, her members. Lisa.

"Jennie Ruby Jane," her mom's voice was firm, exuding an air of authority that is usually only present when she is at work as a well-known business executive.

"Mom..." Jennie half whispered, stepping out of Lisa's arms, her face drained of color.

Lisa was now behind her, and although she couldn't see, she knows very well that Lisa was shaken too. Who wouldn't, when Mrs. Kim is staring at you with her gaze burning. Her adoration for the Thai just moments ago, gone.


"I think it's best if you leave, Lisa," her tone was final.

"Mom, please," Jennie's voice was shaking as she took a step closer to her mom, who only held up her hand to stop her from coming closer.

"We will talk, Jennie, but there's an ongoing party downstairs," her mom says, diverting her gaze back to her daughter, "You're coming down with me."

Jennie clenched her fists on her side, her gaze down on the floor as she forces herself not to look over her shoulders to glance at Lisa, who was frowning really hard.

"Please don't take it out on her, Auntie-"

"It's Mrs. Kim for you," she cuts her off with an unamused look on her face, "And as for my daughter, you have no say in how I deal with her. I wouldn't let you ruin her life. I'll let you know when I figuring things out, but I will certainly talk things out with your management. Apparently, they're not doing a great job with handling you girls."

That only caused a bigger fear for her daughter, while Lisa looked down, feeling helpless and so little.

"Please don't," Jennie whispers, her feline eyes brimming with tears.

"Collect yourself, Jennie. You're a Kim. The people you should be mingling with are downstairs," her tone was laced with hate, throwing daggers behind her daughter, "And you, kindly leave quietly. I want no trace of you when I get back here."

Lisa was speechless. She has never seen Jennie's mom act so harshly before, nor has she ever been treated so lowly by anyone.

She wasn't used to criticisms but has managed to live with it, she had to. But this was another thing, being looked down for what she is. As if it's some kind of disease. Worst... is it was the mother of the woman she is in love with still.

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