the concert in macao

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A/N: From here on I'll suggest songs that either helped me finish the chapter or songs that I think suits it.

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran


"Just tell me if it becomes unbearable, okay?"


"I'm serious Jennie," Lisa held her hand tight.

"I know."

Just then Jisoo and Chaeyoung came, worry evident on their faces.

"Jen, you can just stay here if you're not feeling well," Jisoo tells her.

"I can manage Unnie," Jennie responds with a heavy breathing.

The three were worried. Since early this morning, Jennie was already feeling sick. Now their event in Manila is almost starting and Jennie's condition felt as if it only worsened.

But Jennie just couldn't fail Blinks, specially with how they're cheering for them right now outside as if a concert is already happening out there.

Lisa was just really worried all throughout until the event was over.

"I got fans worried, didn't I?" Jennie frowns as Lisa went with her inside her hotel room.

"That should be the least of your worries, Unnie," Lisa sighs, plopping on the bed next to Jennie as she pulled the brunette's feet on her lap and started massaging her legs.

Jennie sunk comfortably in bed, closing her eyes as she let Lisa make her feel better.

"That feels good..."

Lisa continued massaging her silently for a couple more seconds until Jennie opened her eyes and realized Lisa was frowning really hard.

She then pulled her legs and folded them as she sat up, the blonde furrowing her brows at her.

"You look angry," Jennie pointed out awkwardly.

"I'm just worried."

"And angry?" she pushed.

"No, I'm just worried and upset. You're so hard headed Unnie, what if you passed out earlier? What if your condition worsens because you just won't listen to us and rest instead of exhausting yourself on work?" Lisa crosses her arms while her doe eyes were set on the floor, "We still have to go straight to Macao for the tour. You won't be able to recover quickly."

Jennie was stunned. Lisa was really upset and bothered over this.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll try my best to get better just in time for our next concert-"

"I just want you to get better without you thinking about work all the time, can't you do that?" Lisa cuts her off sharply while turning to face the Korean completely with eyes deep in worry, taking Jennie aback. The Thai then looked away, unable to keep up with the way Jennie was looking at her, then cleared her throat, "I'm not blaming you for being sick. I just hate that you're being too stubborn. I only want to take care of you but you're making it harder."

She did a double take on Jennie when she realized a small smile playing on the latter's lips.

Lisa shifted uncomfortably, scratching the back of her neck, "What?"

Without any warning, Jennie scooted closer and leaned towards Lisa, pressing her lips on the younger girl's cheek.

Lisa's ears were burning red when Jennie pulled back. She was blinking rapidly, almost as fast as how her heart beats.

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