Part 1

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Faadilah- Hello. My name is Faadilah. I'm new here but I hear this is a great school.

Suzanna- Hi! I'm Suzanna. Nice to meet you. No. I have been going here for a year now. Ya it's a nice school and everyone is nice too. Where did you go before?

Faadilah- I moved from Toronto, Canada. My parents wanted to move to Miami for the longest time.

Suzanna- Oh really. Well Miami is a beautiful place. I have never been to Toronto before or anywhere in Canada for that matter. What is it like?

Faadilah- It's beautiful too, but very busy. I don't know many people here and I really miss all my friends.

Suzanna- Well I don't have many friends as well. Everyone here is so focused on their school. It's like they talk to you in class but to hang out after school and go to the mall, they say they are busy.

Faadilah- I would love to have someone to hang out with and go to the mall. That is one of the places I want to see for sure.

Suzanna- Okay well maybe one day we can go together.

Faadilah- Really! That will be so amazing. Okay I think I have to get to class now. Talk later, k.

Suzanna- Yes, the bell is about to ring. I can't be late again or they will call my mom. Talk later for sure.

(As time goes on Suzanna and Faadilah become really good friends. Best friends actually. Then one day Suzanna thinks it would be a good idea to skip school and hang at the mall. You see Suzanna is more adventurous than many of the friends at her school and she is hoping that her new friend Faadilah is similar to her).

Suzanna- Hey bestie wanna skip school tomorrow and go to the mall. Maybe we can find boys to hang out with.

Faadilah: Sure, I guess it would be okay. I never skip school and my mom probably won't even know. What time are we leaving to go to the mall?

Suzanna- The time we are leaving to go to the mall is shortly after we get to school. This way we have the whole day.

Faadilah: Okay.

Rose and Kevin- Good morning sweetie we hope you have a good day at school.

Faadilah: Thanks! You have a good day at work dad and mom.

(Suzanna texts Faadilah saying that she is outside your house. Faadilah texts Suzanna to tell her she is coming. The two make their way to school but instead of going to classes they head for the bus stop to go to the mall. They decided not to even go to school. On the bus Faadilah has something to tell Suzanna )

Faadilah:  Hey Suzanna can I tell you something but you can't tell anybody.

Suzanna- Sure you can tell me anything you know that I am always here for you.

Faadilah: Yeah, I know. Well, I'm suffering from depression.

Suzanna- Oh no, really? I did not know that. How long have you had this? Does your mom and dad know?

Faadilah:  Only my mom knows I have not told my dad yet.

Suzanna - Oh okay. Are you going to tell your dad or will your mom tell him?

Faadilah: I am sure that my mom will mention it to him. They tell each other everything.

(The girls had a fantastic time at the mall, so much fun that they lost track of time. Faadilah should have been home from school by now).

Faadilah- We should go home, it's getting late.

Suzanna- Yeah, let's go!

(That evening at dinner)

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