Part 11

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(A week goes by and Chris is about to leave to go back on tour. Chris decides to stop in to see Faadilah before he flies out for another month).

(doorbell ringing) (Rose answers the door).

(door opens)

Rose- Hi Chris! What brings you by today?

Chris- Hey Rose. I stopped by to say hello and good-bye actually. I am flying back out to continue touring. You know the life, always coming and going.

Rose- Well, Faadilah's  upstairs working on her studies, I'm hoping. She's supposed to be doing that. Let me call her down. Faadilah come downstairs, you got company.

(Faadilah bolts out of her room like a bat out of hell. She was thinking it was MIke surprise visiting her).

Faadilah- Chris?? What are you doing here?

Chris- Well okay, don't be excited to see me or anything. I can just leave you know.

Faadilah- No, no, no, wait. I just thought you may have been Mike surprising me. I am happy to see you. After all, you are my favorite uncle.

Chris- Ya, ya. Anyways I stopped by to say hello and to say good-bye as I am leaving today to continue the tour for a month. I just wanted to remind you to find out all the information so that we can arrange to have Mike's brother come for a visit and surprise him.

Faadilah- Yes I know. I have already found out most of it. I was going to give it to you once I got all the details. I can send them by text to you if I get all the information before you return. Does that sound like a plan?

Chris- Yes, for sure. The sooner you get the sooner I can work on things, even if I'm on tour.

Faadilah- Great. I love you Uncle Chris. Thank you for everything you do for me.

Chris- You're welcome, kiddo! One more thing.

Faadialh-  What?

Chris- Mike is a really nice boy. I really like him and I think you both make a great couple. Just always be honest and true to each other and you will be together forever.

Faadilah- Aww. thank you Uncle. I will.

Chris- OKay, I got to go. I shall see you in a month. As for MIke, he's definitely a keeper. Tell him I said hello. Tell your mother I said bye as well.

Faadilah- I will. Bye uncle Chris.

(Faadilah shuts the door behind her and runs back upstairs to continue her studies and to call Mike. Obviously to tell him what her uncle said).

(It has now been 2 years since Faadiah and Mike have been dating. Their anniversary is the same weekend her Uncle Chris is supposed to fly back home. Faadilah wants to surprise Mike with a nice dinner and a party afterwards at her uncle 's house. Chris will be home the day she wants to have the surprise party for him. Faadilah has already told him via text messages about the surprise so he is perfectly aware and is on board with it being at his place. After all he has a mansion and Mike has never been there before, that alone will be a surprise and experience of a lifetime).

(What Faadilah didn't know is Mike had already talked to her father about marrying Faadilah and he had asked for his blessing. Kevin has agreed as well with Rose. Mike is going to propose to Faadilah on their anniversary).

(It is a week before the surprise anniversary and Faadilah wants to buy a new dress for the party. Faadilah calls Mike up to see if he is free and would like to go shopping with her to find a dress. She wants to look really nice for their anniversary).

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