Part 18

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(The family sits down at the reception area to have the wonderful dinner that was planned for them. They are all in awe at how beautifully the reception and wedding arch have been decorated for the wedding. After dinner and hanging out for a while having a few laughs, everyone decides to call it an early night, especially Faadilah and Mike. Mike goes to his brother Matthew's room to spend the night, as he is not allowed to see the bride on the wedding day until the actual wedding. Rose informs Faadilah that she will come to her room by 6am tomorrow morning and to make sure she is awake).

Mike- Hey bro, I am just going to my room to grab my toiletry bag and my suit, then I will come down to your room. We can stay up for a while longer and chat a bit if you want?

Matthew- Sure. I will meet you up there.

Mike- Okay. Babe, well it's time for us to say good-bye and part ways until tomorrow. This time tomorrow you will officially be my wife.

Faadilah- I know this is crazy yet so exciting. Okay babe, I love you see you at the altar.

Mike- Bye babe, Love you.

Rose- Faadilah.

Faadilah- Yes mom

Rose- Okay I am going to be at your room door by 6am tomorrow morning. Please make sure you are up and ready to go.

Faadilah- Mom, it's the biggest day of my life, I will be up. I may not even sleep tonight because I am so excited about tomorrow.

Rose Well, sweetie you can't do that. You have to get some rest, this way you will be alert and rested for your big day. It is going to be an exhausting day already and if you don't get any rest it will be even worse.

Faadilah- Yes I know mom. What time is the hairstylist and make-up artist scheduled to be there at?

Rose- Well, this is what I suggest. You get up at 6am, Take a shower and put your nice undergarments on then your robe, you know the white one I got you that says bride on the back?

Faadilah- Yes I know the one. Oh wait. I don't know if I remember packing that.

Rose- What? I specifically told you not to forget anything, especially since you insisted on going to spend a few days at your uncle's and leaving from there.

Faadilabeh- Mom, I double checked everything. I am not remembering that's all. I will check soon as I get to the room.

Rose- You know, I hope you brought it along. I was really hoping for the photographer to get some shots of you getting your nails, hair and make-up done in that robe. But, if you forgot then then one of the white robes available in the room will have to do. Okay back to what I was saying. You get your robe on, then the nail technician is scheduled to come do your nails first at 7am, second is the hairstylist coming at 8am and thirdly the make-up artist at 9am. The photographer will be there between 8am and 9am so that he can take photos of you getting ready.

Faadilah- This sounds busy already and it isn't even tomorrow yet. When do I get into the dress?

Rose- Well, sweetie that is the last thing you put on. So your hair and makeup may be done before that but if so you need to wait til closer to the time. I suggest you be in your dress by 12 noon. The photographer will want to do photos of you fully dressed and in different areas of this beautiful penthouse suite, such as you looking outside the picture window, your private walk out pool and around the pool, etc.

Faadilah- Omg! This is exciting. The photos around that waterfall pool outside my balcony will be stunning. I can't wait.

Rose- Oh yes, those will be great photos. I will remind the photographer to do some there, just in case he doesn't think of it.I'm Sure he will though. Okay, Mis soon to be Mrs. Chong it is time we head upstairs and you go to your room for some shut eye.

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