Part 17

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(Mike and Faadilah head over to the beach they run into the rest of the family and they inform them of the spa day they booked for everyone on Thursday. Everyone is extremely happy and very thankful. As the week proceeds Mike and Faadillah enjoy their time on vacation, swimming, tanning on the beach, participating in excursions, etc. Everyday more and more guests are arriving for the wedding. It is Wednesday and Mike's brother Matthew has arrived. Mike and Faadilah head over to the main lobby after breakfast to greet him).

Mike - Hey bro, how was the flight?

Matthew- It was okay, long but okay. How are you two enjoying your stay so far?

Mike-  It is really good the venue is exactly what we told them to do and everything seems to be going as planned.

Matthew- That's great news. I'm glad. Jeez, it is absolutely stunning down here. I may like it so much and not want to go back.

Faadilah- I know. I love it here too. I wish I myself didn't have to go back. Well, babe after I graduate, regarding I pass all the exams we can always move down here.

Mike- Babe, we can't live in Jamaica. I would like to, but not really an option.

Faadilah- I know, we would be so far away from our families and you know how close my uncle and I are.

Mike- Exactly. Okay bro, let's go we will walk up with you to your room, you are literally 3 rooms down from us.

Matthew - Reilly? That's awesome.

Mike- Ya I didn't even plan that. I guess when you booked your flight and room it was roughly the same time I was booking ours. I'm happy that you are close by. Heck maybe we can have a mini party in one of our rooms before Saturday. I know how about Friday, after all I will need to be there Saturday morning to get ready and I can't see Faadilah that day until the actual ceremony.

Matthew- Ya sure, sounds like a plan. Okay, let me just get into my swim trunks and we can go meet up with the rest of the families.

Mike- Sure, ya they are all relaxing on the beach. Oh ya, one more thing Faadilah and I booked everyone a spa day for Thursday the appointment is at 10:30am.

Matthew- Oh wow, I'm getting spoiled here. Thank you both so much that it is really nice of you to have done that.

Faadilah- You're welcome. Well you are family now.

( Matthew finishes unpacking his suitcase and hangs up his suit and changes into his swim trunks. The three of them walk down to the beach and meet up with everyone else. Faadilah's  parents inform them that almost 30 guests have arrived already and are somewhere on the resort.)

The rest of the week goes by faster than expected. Everyone enjoyed their massage on Thursday and couldn't thank Mike and Faadilah enough for their generosity. It is now Friday the day before the big day and the day of the rehearsal and dinner. Faadilah and Mike head down to the front desk to meet Tracy so that she can take them over to the location of the wedding and reception one more time to view the decorations and final set up.

Tracy- Hi Mike and Faadilah.

Mike and Faadilah- Hello Tracy, it's a beautiful day today. I bet you wish you were off and sitting down at that beach.

Tracy- Yes but I need to work. I am saving up to go back home to see my family. They live in Mexico.

Mike- Really, wow. I had no idea. You are always here so I thought you were a local.

Tracy- Well I am considered a local because I do reside here, but my native home is Mexico, it's where I was born and raised. I only moved away to work and make money to help support my family.

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