Part 16

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(Weeks have gone by and it is the day before the family is about to fly to Jamaica for Faadilah and MIke's wedding. Everyone is anxious, excited and super busy trying to pack everything they feel they will need during their stay. Faadilah has packed her bags a few days ago because she already left and went to her uncle's house to spend a few nights there and then she and her uncle will meet the rest of the family at the airport on Saturday. In the meantime Faadilah is enjoying relaxing and having nothing to do at her uncle's house but spending time with him. Her Math test went good and she will find out the results when she returns home. Faadilah is stress free aside from making sure the wedding goes as planned once she gets to Jamaica).

(The flight is early morning Saturday,  the following day. That day has arrived. Chris begins pounding on the door of the spare room where Faadilah is sleeping. The time is 6am.

Chris- Faadilah! Faadilah! Wake up it's 6am. You should be up already. Did you forget what day today is? Your wedding, hello????

Faadilah- Uncle Chris why are you screaming at me to wake up, it's so early and it's Saturday.

Chris- Yes It is 6am and it is Saturday May 15th, the day we fly to Jamaica.

Faadilah - What are you talking about? That's not for another week.

(You see, Faadilah was in such a deep sleep that when she was woken by her uncle she didn't realize that the day was really here. Faadialh jumped out of bed in a panic after realizing her uncle was right).

Faadilah- Omg. Omg. Are we going to be late? Is it really the day we fly to Jamaica?

Chris- Yes, I am not pulling your leg, let's go. Get dressed and grab all your bags and don't forget the most important thing: your dress.

Faadilah- I'm stressing out How much time do I have?

Chris- You got about 45 minutes to get it together. Come shake a tail feather, girl. Let's move.

Faadilah- Okay uncle Chris. After I get all my stuff at the front door can you throw out a checklist and I will say yes or no to, you know, to make sure I don't forget anything.

Chris- Yes I will definitely do that. I don't want to be the one blamed by your parents if you did forget something.

Faadilah- They won't blame you. They will blame me, saying I should have double checked everything, which I already did before I got here and will do before we leave here.

Chris- Okay, just keep moving. I don't want to be late.

(Faadilah and Chris gather everything they need to take with them, put everything in the car and head to the airport. An hour later they arrive at the airport. Chris parks his vehicle in park' n ' fly for the duration of his time in Jamaica. Faadilah's parents had done the same. They finally meet up with Faadilah's parents, her sister, Mike and Mike's parents. The rest of the guests are arriving on different flights because some live in different cities and states, therefore the flight times will vary. Some guests won't be arriving until Wednesday of that week like Mike's brother Matthew. Everyone checks their luggage in and goes through security. There were no issues for anyone going through security, it was smooth sailin'. Everyone grabs a coffee and waits to board the plane. The boarding time is in 2 hours, granted there isn't a delay).

(Announcer on the P.A.) Attention all passengers we are now ready to board. Flight 367 to Negril, Jamaica is now boarding.

Chris- Okay everyone, that is us. Let's go. We are officially on our way now.

Faadilah- I can't believe we are finally almost there, just a 4 hour flight and we will be on the sunny beaches of Jamaica again.

Mike- I know. It feels like forever since we were here last. I'm excited that the wedding is a week from today. What do you want to do when we get there.

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