Part 9

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(Faadilah's Uncle Chris has just returned from a tour in Los Angeles, California and Faadilah is so excited to get together with him to tell him about all the good things that have been happening. She is also excited to talk to her uncle about her boo.... Mike). Faadilah calls up her Uncle Chris and they arrange to go for lunch at a quaint little place close by).

Faadilah- Hello Uncle Chris. How are you? I am so glad you are finally back from tour. I have so much to talk to you about.

Chris- Hello Faadilah, how are you doing.   Are you feeling better, you know with your depression. Is the therapy helping at all?

Faadilah- Yes it's helping a bit. Though I have something else that's helping me with it. It's a boy, actually my boyfriend, he also suffers from depression so we kind of help each other.

Chris- Oh really? You have a boyfriend? When did this happen?

Faadilah- Well it's a long story, but I want to tell you all about him. Maybe we can meet for lunch now that you are back this week sometime.

Chris- Sure. How about tomorrow? Does that work for you?

Faadilah- Yes, uncle it works perfectly.

Chris- Okay there's a little quaint diner close to your house that makes the best food for lunch. I think we should go there. I will pick you up. What is the best time, 12pm or 1pm?

Faadilah- Thanks uncle Chris. Any time will be good. I'm pretty flexible tomorrow.

Chris- Okay let's make it between 12 and 1pm, like 12:30pm.

Faadilah- Yes that's perfect. Omg I am so happy you are back and I can't wait to see you.

Chris- Me too, okay I got to go but I will see you tomorrow. Make sure you're ready to go by 12:30pm, don't keep me waiting, young lady.

Faadilah- (Laughs) I will be ready, don't worry. Okay bye uncle Chris, love you.

Chris- Bye, love you too!

( The following day Chris arrives to pick up Faadilah to go out for lunch> The place they are going to is a place called "Hot of the Press". This is a little diner that serves different kinds of cold and hot sandwiches, except it's slightly different than most places because they put their own twist to their food, which makes them unique. Chris really likes it there but doesn't often get to go because he's on the road so much. This will be a new experience for Faadilah  because she has never been there before nor heard of the place).

Faadilah is ready on time and runs out of the house to jump into her  uncle's car.

Faadilah- You're here. Yay. I am so happy. I almost can't believe it.

Chris- Of course I'm here. I wouldn't let you down.

Faadilah- So... what's the name of this special diner that we are going to?

Chris- Well, it's not too far from here. I used to go here when I was younger and not so busy. I haven't been in awhile so I hope the food is as amazing as it used to be. It's called "Hot of the Press"

Faadilah- Oh okay. That's the name, it sounds like a printing paper company. Get your paper hot off the press!!! (laughing)

Chris- You're funny. They call it that because, majority of their sandwiches are grilled with a grill press and served hot.

Faadilah- I get it.

Chris- So let's talk about this new boyfriend of yours.

Faadilah- Well, while you were on tour, we, my entire family went on a vacation. I was just walking on the beach and from afar I saw this guy, who looked like one of the famous TikTok actors I follow. As I walked closer the more familiar he was and then it hit me....and I started freaking out, to myself of course. That is him. That's Mike I just know it, so I went up to him and said hello.

Chris- You went up to him and started talking to him? You're always so shy.

Faadilah- Yes. I did. I introduced myself and he introduced himself. I couldn't believe it. We started talking and we just really connected somehow. Through conversation, we both ended up not being busy that night, so we made plans to go out for dinner.

Chris- Faadilah!!! You barely knew the guy and you just met him. Why would you do that.  What if something would have happened?

Faadilah- I know uncle, but there was something about him that I knew I could trust him. Anyways we went to dinner and it was perfectly splendid.

Chris- Well, that's good and I'm happy he is a nice guy, from what you're telling me.

Faadilah- Uncle, he is, he truly is. You what else?

Chris- What?

Faadilah- We get along so good because he actually suffers from depression too.

Chris- Really, oh I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened? Do you know?

Faadilah- Yes. It's his brother. You see they were so close when they were younger they did everything together, pretty much inseparable. Then his brother went off to college and he decided to do TikTok videos. His brother went off to college in another country and because they took different paths they kinda grew apart and lost touch with one other. This caused his depression.

Chris- Oh wow. I had no idea. How is doing now that he has you in his life?

Faadilah- He's better, I guess, but I can tell that he really misses his brother a lot.

Chris Hey, I got an idea. Maybe I can make some arrangements and fly his brother here for a visit. I will need you to find out all the information though like what country, what college, and exactly where he lives. Do you think you can do that?

Faadilah- Omg!! What a great idea. This is so exciting, he is going to be so happy. I can find out everything you need. Just give me a week or so. We are getting really close and he is opening up to me more and more each day, so I really think this surprise will work.

Chris  Perfect. Okay let's order, I'm starving.

(Chris and Faadilah enjoy a lovely lunch together talking, laughing, and spending quality time together.After their fantastic lunch Chris takes Faadilah home. On the way home they continue to chat about Mike and the big surprise. Faadilah expresses to her uncle how much she loved their lunch date and how she would like to take MIke there one day).

(Faadilah arrives home and is excited to tell her parents about her day).

Faadilah- Mom, are you home? I had an amazing day with Uncle Chris.

Rose- Sweetie, are  you home?

Faadilah- Yes mom, I have been calling you, but you never answered.

Rose- Faadilah, I was upstairs putting laundry away, you know the laundry doesn't do itself, along with everything else around here. Now, what's so important that you need to tell me?

Faadilah- I met uncle Chris for lunch today, well he came to pick me up.

Rose (innerupts) Oh that was nice. What do you want for dinner?

Faadilah- Mom, I am trying to tell you about my day. We can discuss dinner after. I promise it won't take long.

Rose- Ok, sweetie please, tell me.

Faadilah- Okay so Chris and I had lunch today at that place "Hot of the Press," maybe  you know of it, but anyways aside from the food being amazing , we talked about Mike, and Chris came up with a brilliant idea. Remember, I told you how Mike's brother went away to college and they lost touch, and that's why Mike has been suffering from depression.

Rose- Yes I remember. So what's the great idea?

Faadilah- well, uncle Chris came up with a plan to arrange Mike's brother to come down here on a visit. He will pay for it all and everything. I think it's amazing and I know Mike will love it and it will make him so happy.

Rose- What a splendid idea. If that plan follows through, for sure MIke is gonna ask you to marry him.

Faadilah- Mom!!! We recently started dating, I doubt that a wedding is in the plans anytime soon. Although, if he does ask me to marry him, I will say yes. So mom, start looking into wedding plans. (laughing)

(Rose just gives Faadilah a look. Though she is aware that this could eventually happen down the road.)

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