Part 21

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(Mike orders some take out for them both, they enjoy the rest of the evening spending time together and enjoying each other. The next day Faadilah begins looking for a job. In total she applied to 10 different jobs all in computer technology. She is hoping at least one of those will call for an interview. A couple weeks later as Faadilah was about to leave the house to go out the phone rings. It is one of the places she applied to that wants to give her an interview. Faadilah is so excited that she calls everyone on a Facetime chat to share the news).

Mike, Chris and her parents are all invited on this Facetime call. Their phones are ringing and everyone picks up.

Faadilah- Hello everyone. How is everybody?

Mike- Babe, what's going on? Are you okay? Why have we all been invited to this call. Did something happen?

Faadilah- No babe, I just want to tell everyone that I got an interview for one of the places I applied to. The interview is tomorrow at 1pm and it's the place I wanted that called me. It's closest to home and it pays the most money.

Mike- Oh wow, are you serious?

Faadilah- Yes babe. Aren't you happy for me?

Mike- Oh ya babe. I am definitely happy and excited for you. I will help you prepare for the interview when I get home, okay.

Faadilah - Okay, thanks. I was going to ask you if you could.

Mike- Yes I totally will.

Chris- Look at you kiddo. You may have a job by tomorrow afternoon. I am so proud of you.

Faadilah- Thanks uncle Chris.

Rose and Kevin- Sweetie, we are so happy and proud of you. We wish you all the luck on this interview, and if you don't get it don't be depressed or upset, okay. Sometimes you have to go through several interviews, it is just how life works.

Faadilah- I know mom and dad. Though I hope I get it.

Rose and Kevin- Just think positive and everything will work out. Okay thanks for calling us all and sharing this exciting news, but your father and I have to go. I will call you tomorrow and we can talk about how it went okay.

Faadilah- Okay mom and dad, love you.

Chris- Same here I gotta run, kiddo. Best of luck tomorrow. Bye

Mike- Babe I am so happy for you, we will talk tonight and I will help you prepare when I get home? By the way what are we having for dinner?

Faadilah- Im making a nice sauce with some pasta and meatballs. I was just heading to the corner supermarket when the phone rang. I was lucky that I didn't leave already.

Mike- Mmmm that sounds so good. See maybe it was meant to be then. Okay I got to go, see you at home later, love you, bye.

Faadilah- Bye, babe.

(When Mike arrives home from work Faadialh and him have dinner and talk about the day. Mike helps Faadilah with some interview tips and how to answer questions they may ask. He tells her to not be nervous and relax as people can sometimes sense that. The next day Faadilah goes for the interview. After the interview she feels like she did a great job but is unsure, as this was her first real interview and real job. Rose calls Faadilah to see how it went. Faadilah tells her she thinks it went fine but is unsure and that she did everything Mike told her to do. Rose reassures her that she should just relax and see what happens. Several weeks go by and Faadilah has heard nothing about whether she got the job or not).

Faadilah- Babe, I still haven't heard back from that interview. Maybe I didn't get it.

Mike- Well did they say when you should expect a call from them?

Faadilah- Not really, they just said they have others to interview, and that the interviewing should be done in a week , then they will make a decision.

Mike- Well see, maybe it is still too early. It's only Tuesday of the second week since you applied, maybe tomorrow or the next day you will hear something. Just be patient babe.

Faadilah- You're right. I will try.

Mike- Come on let's go see what to have for dinner tonight. I need to be in bed early tonight. It will be a really busy day for me tomorrow.

(The two of them go into the kitchen to fix something for dinner. They then do the dishes and clean up after eating. Shortly after they go upstairs to bed. The next day Mike leaves to go to work. Faadilah tells him she will tidy up the house and look for more job postings. A couple hours into the day the phone rings, Faadilah thinks it may be her mother or Chris, instead it is the employer from the interview she had. They called her to offer her the job. Faadilah almost dropped the phone with excitement. After getting off the phone with the company Faadilah immediately called everyone on a Facetime chat again to share the exciting news).

Everyone answers and accepts the invite to chat.

Chris -Hey kiddo, what's up?

Faadilah- Mom , dad, Mike are you all there? Can you all  hear me?

Mike-  Yes, babe, is everything okay?

Rose and Kevin- Yes sweetie we are here also. We can hear you? Everything okay?

Faadilah- Yes things couldn't be better. I have great news....

Mike- What is it babe?

Faadilah- You're looking at the new employee at the computer technology company I interviewed for.

Mike, Mom and Dad and Chris all the same time- Omg really, you got the job?

Faadilah- Yes I did. They called me today. They said they were really impressed with how much knowledge I had on the company and in the field. I guess college paid off.

Mike- Babe, that is amazing. I am so proud of you.

Rose and Kevin- Sweetie, we are all so proud of you. When do you start?

Faadilah- I start this coming Monday. The shift is perfect too 9 to 5.

Mike- That's so amazing. Congratulations babe.

Rose, Kevin and Chris- Congratulations sweetie.

Faadilah- Thanks everyone for everything your help and support and for believing in me.

Everyone- You're welcome. We love you so much.

(The rest of the week goes on and Faailah gets prepared to start her new job on Monday. Rose and Kevin call throughout the week and invite Faadilah and MIke over for a celebration dinner at their house. They have invited Chris to attend as well. Everyone is able to make it so the plan goes according to schedule. Finally Saturday arrives, the night of the celebration dinner. Everyone shows up at Rose and Kevin's roughly at the same time, 7pm. As they see Faadilah enter everyone comes over to hug her and congratulate her).

Rose and Kevin- Come here sweetie, we couldn't be more proud of you and your accomplishments.

Chris- Hey kiddo, I knew you would make me proud. Now the reality of life kicks in. Work, come home, make dinner for your wonderful husband, and try to stay on top of everything else. It will be hard but I know you can do it.

Faadilah- Ya it will be something to get used to but I am sure I will figure it all out. It will definitely be something I will have to get used to.

Mike- Well babe, you have me to help you out.It will be fine.

Rose - Well come sit at the table everyone. Dinner will be ready soon.

Chris- Wow that's a beautiful necklace you are wearing. I never noticed it before. Is it new?

Faadilah- Yes, actually. Mike surprised me with it

Chris- Well he has great taste it is beautiful.'

Faadilah- Thanks uncle Chris.

Rose- Okay everyone dinner is ready. Faadilah sweetie could you help me put everything on the table.

Faadilah- Sure mom.

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