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i woke up to the sound of five putting his slippers on. "so you were just planning on leaving me here?" i asked. he smiled. "you were sleeping , i didn't want to wake you." he said walking towards me. he pecked my lips and i stood up and headed over to the bathroom. i brushed my teeth , washed my face and combed my hair. i ended up just letting my hair down. i was in the academy pijamas , like five , and i put on my slippers.

we were both walking down the stairs , hand in hand , and five was complaining about how he wanted some coffee. we got into the kitchen and saw that klaus , ben and luther were already in there. as luther brought the cup of coffee to his mouth five snatched it and sat down and i did my best to not laugh my head off. "goodmorning." i said to them. luther groaned and i walked over to klaus and ben and gave him a hug. i stood behind ben with my hands massaging his shoulders while luther looked at me weirdly.

"jesus , who do i gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" groaned five. ben and i both smiled and klaus ignored his comment. klaus was asking about the others while me and ben had our own little conversation. "hey celeste pay attention please." i scoffed and listened to klaus. "okay so theres no easy way to say this so im just gonna spit it out." "this is a bad idea." ben said to both of us. "i conjured dad last night." i looked over to luther and five and i could tell this was not what they were expecting him to say. everyone was silent for a few seconds when luther spoke up. "i thought you havent been able to conjure anyone in years?" "yes i know , but im sober! ta da!" i smiled. "i got clean yesterday to talk to someone special." i looked over at him and he nodded at me. "but then i ended up having a conversation with dear old daddy himself." i waited in silence for someone to say something. "has anyone got aspirin?" "top shelf next to the crackers." i scoffed at their stupidness. "did you not just hear what klaus said?" "yea! this is serious guys , all right?" i felt terrible because i knew klaus felt like this all the time. no one ever listened to him or payed attention and it broke my heart.

"this really happened i swear." klaus sighed. "okay fine , i'll play." five started. "what did the old man have to say?" "well he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance and failures in life- yada yada yada." he kept on talking and i looked over to luther as he was nearly falling asleep. i walked over to the cabinet , got the medicine and walked over behind luther and klaus suddenly stopped speaking. "where are you going?" i slammed the bottle on the table and luther jolted up. "what the-" "here. drink. now pay attention. klaus , continue." i sat at the head of the table as klaus and luther both obeyed. i looked over at five and he had a surprised look in his face. i smiled and listened to klaus. "he did mention something about his murder , or lack thereof," we all turned to face him , obviously confused. "because..." "wait for it." ben added. "he killed himself." my eyebrows furrowed and i stopped to think but was quickly interrupted by luther. "i dont have times for your games klaus." "im telling you the truth luther , im telling you the truth." i looked over at five again and he was clearly thinking about the whole situation. "why'd he do it then?" he finally asked. "he said it was the only way to get us all back together again." "dad wouldnt just kill himself." "yeah , like you would know. you were stuck on the moon for what , years? how would you know what he did. none of us were there." i snapped. "i agree , you said it yourself he was depressed." five sighed. "held up in his office all day and night." "no there weren't any signs , suicidal people tend to-" "what the fuck do you know about suicidal people?" i interrupted. he turned to look at me then klaus. "i swear to god klaus , if your lying-" "im not!" out of no where pogo came out of the shadows. "master klaus is correct." we all turned to face him. "regretfully , i helped mr hargreeves enact this plan." he continued. and of course spaceboy was bothered. "what?" he asked. "dumbass." i muttered under my breath. "so did grace it was a difficult choice for both of us. more difficult than you could ever know."

"sick bastard." sighed five. "so the security tape we saw," "it was meant to further the murder mystery. he thought if you all worked on the mystery together it would reignite your want to be a team again." "and to what end?" "to save the world of course." i lied back in my seat and started re-thinking everything. i was in my own thoughts when i looked at five and he was ruffling his hands through his hair. "i gotta think." he groaned. he grabbed my wrist and blinked us to griddys. "its shut down?" i asked and five read the note. "something about living her life or whatever." i slid my hands down to meet his and intertwined them. "then lets go somewhere else." he got ready to blink us when i stopped him. he looked at me questioningly. "lets walk."

"i cant believe i got pulled into this stupid idea of walking." five complained. "you barley ever take two steps , you just blink in and out of everywhere." i shot back. "you said you need to think, going for a walk is a great way of doing just that." we stopped in front of another coffee shop. "come on." i said making five walk in. we sat down on a little table next to the windowsill. "so what are you thinking?" i asked him. "how did dad know about the end of the world? he always said we'd grow up to save the world but i thought he was just scaring us into doing the dishes." "me too." i added. "and he also knew when to do it. a week before the end of the world. he's crazy." "but accurate." he said again. "c'mon," five said taking my hand once again. "lets go save the world." we both stood up and the waitress walked up to us. "are you ordering anything?" i opened my mouth and five blinked us out of thereand into the house. "imagine the shock on her face right now." i said laughing and five joined in. we walked into klaus trying to knit. "hey , get up.we're going," five said. "where?" klaus asked. "save the world." "oh is that all? great." klaus said unenthusiastically as i giggled. five was sharing his thoughts with klaus as i admired his room. the fairy lights hung over his bed , all the pictures and paintings on the wall , his messy drawers. i walked up to the drawers and remembered allison probably had clothes i could use. i turned around. "all of our alives he's been saying we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse." "yeah , but i always thought he was saying that to scare us into doing the dishes." "me too!" me and five both said in unison. "im gonna go to allisons room to see if she has anything i can wear." they both nodded. i walked out and went into allisons room. memorys of us came rushing back to me ; painting our nails together , having sleepovers , our friday night dance partys , all the fun times. i went over to her wardrobe and looked through it. all i could find was dresses and too posh clothes for me to be using. i dug through all her drawers and finally found something. i found my old clothes from when we had sleepovers and i left them in her room. i changed into a kind of baggy shirt and some worn out , baggy jeans. i got my old beanie from her headstand and put it on. i felt like a child again and it was nostalgic. i suddenly remembered my ring and i went in my pocket and pulled it out. i admired it a little more for a few seconds.

"hey celeste , you ready?" five asked knocking on the door. "yeah." i said walking to the door and putting my ring on. "so how do i look?" i asked not even expecting an answer. "you look...amazing. are those your old clothes?" i looked up surprised at fives comment. "yeah , i found it in allisons stuff." "is this what you were wearing that day you slept over in allisons and we went to the roof and smoked so much you nearly fell off the roof?" klaus asked. i nodded and laughed. "i remember that! well not that night , i think ben just said i nearly fell off the roof to scare us into not smoking anymore." we both laughed and looked at five who looked at us like we were on drugs. "okay continuing-" we all turned around to face diego running into his room and taking his jacket off. "where have you been?" five asked. "jail." he replied. me and klaus looked at each other confused and just listened to their conversation. "wheres luther?" diego asked. "i dont know , havent seen him since breakfast.""two days until the end of the world and he thinks its a good idea to drop off the grid." i smile. "shit..." diego mutters. we all look at him anticipating and waiting for him to continue. "allison is in danger."

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