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after me and fives 'makeout session' we were in my room laughing about the pictures we took as kids. then we heard whimpering and deep sighs. we both looked at each other concerned and headed over to where the sound was coming from. the sounds lead to klaus in his room putting clothes on. five knocked on the door lightly and asked klaus if he's okay. he sounded genuinly sympathetic i knew he cared alot about his family , but he had sort of a soft spot for klaus and vanya too. klaus staggered a bit as he turned around to face us. "hey...yeah, i just...long night." he said. i could tell he was lying. "more than one night by the looks of it." i said followed by a sweet smile."yeah-" "don't remember the dog tags." five said. "they belonged to a friend." "and the new tattoo?" i added. "you know , i don't totally remember getting it." klaus replied , still sounding a bit odd. "like i said it was a long night." "you did it didn't you?" said five scoffing. i was a bit confused but decided to stay quiet, as did klaus. "you know i can recognize the symptoms."

as five and klaus talked i started understanding more and more about what was going on. and i felt so bad for klaus. staying a year in a whole different place with none of your friends or siblings? thats crazy. i didn't even know where- or when- he went but he looked terrible. he looked like he was suffering. they continued their chat and five started getting a bit angry so i intertwined my fingers with his , knowing he'll calm down. he took a deep breath and continued but calmly. klaus walked out.

"interrogations over, whatever just-" he waved his hand in the hair. five grabbed a pencil and started writing to hazel and cha cha. "okay, you go do whatever it is you need to do and i'm gonna go talk to klaus for a bit." i said. "okay...i'll be right back." five responded with a nod. he gave me a sweet kiss and blinked.

"klaus?" i said. "yea hey-hi." he said obviously disturbed. "please talk to me, i love you and i don't wanna see you like this." "come on." klaus replied with his hand out , gesturing for me to hold it. and i did. we got into diego's car and we arrived at a bar. to be specific a veterans bar. "klaus , we can't be here , we're not veterans." he gave me a look and i understood. i smiled. "show me." he lead me to a board with many pictures of many soldiers. "oh my god is that-" "me? yeah." he said with a sad smile. he was looking at the man next to him. "is he your...boyfriend?" i asked. "yeah." i gave klaus the biggest smile and hugged him. "you both look so in love." i said after pulling away. "we were." i looked at him and he had tears in his eyes and i did too. "oh baby. i'm so sorry." i hugged him tight. i was about to ask klaus a question when diego tapped klaus on the back.

"hey buddy. are you okay?" i gave diego a smile for loving him enough to care. klaus opened his mouth to reply but a big guy with white-ish hair came up to us and said, "hey only veterans are allowed here." klaus said some shit and the guy got mad and them out of no where me , diego and klaus were fighting a bunch of men in a veterans bar. what a day. we were walking out when i turned around , went to the bartenders side and grabbed a bunch of obviously expensive liquor. i got back to the car and they both shot me confused looks. "ta daaa!" i said as i held up 2 bottles. "oh god i love you so much celeste." klaus said smiling. i laughed as diego rolled his eyes.

authors note
sorry i took so long to publish this i swear i'll be quicker!!

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