Chapter 10

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Yena rarely showed her true emotions, always hiding them inside. Her father had taught her that emotions were always a person's weakness, and showing them was like showing your opponent exactly where to hit you so it hurts.

That's why when Yena noticed Jaehyun's grin widenening, she knew that she had showed him how suprised she was with his confession, even though it was a slight raise of her eyebrow, barely noticeable. But for someone as highly trained as Jaehyun, it was quite obvious.

"Am I selfish for killing my father?" Jaehyun asked as he sipped his coffee. "Maybe. But then again, looking at our gang, we're all selfish, aren't we?"

"Humans are selfish creatures." Yena said, retuning the smile. "That's just how we're built."

Jaehyun nodded his head in agreement. "I knew you were a bright one, Yena."

Yena paused as she stuck her fork in the middle of her cheesecake, glancing at Jaehyun. "You seem to know a lot about me."

"Should I not? You're my partner, I need to be careful with who I decide to surround myself with." Jaehyun pointed out.

He's confident. Too confident.

"You should be careful with who you trust, Jaehyun." Yena said, smirking as she placed another piece of cheesecake in her mouth. "For all you know, I could be putting on an act right now."

"Well in that case, you would have made a big mistake, exposing yourself." Jaehyun said but Yena could tell that her words had given Jaehyun second thoughts.

"I guess only time will tell." Yena said, finishing the last of her cake as Jaehyun watched her.

Yena put her fork down, Jaehyun carefully eyeing her every movement as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin before standing up.

"I thank you for your time today. The cake and latte were lovely. But if you may excuse me, I have a few errands to run." Yena said, giving Jaehyun a smile before walking out of the café, leaving Jaehyun alone at the table.


"Tonight?" Taeyong exclaimed, making a few people in the pub turn their heads towards him. Taeil gave them all a smile and wave, convincing them to turn back around before continuing his conversation with Taeyong.

"Yes, the next auction is tonight. It's at a banquet hall this time, it's very nice. You'll definitely be able to socialize if you head out early." Taeil told him. "Maybe you'll be able to find someone willing to help you out."

"Maybe." Taeyong muttered, not particularly looking forward to the socializing part of the night.


Yena wasn't really one to think about her cousin but something about her conversation with Jungwoo didn't sit right with her.

Sure, Doyoung and her weren't the closest, especially after their fight before she left. The two of them were more like work partners than actual relatives, but the fact that he disappeared off the face of the earth concerned her, especially when none of their family members could find him either.

That means he doesn't want to be found, Yena thought as she recalled back when they were children.

Doyoung may not be the best assassin but when it came to hiding and covering his tracks, there was no beating him.

One time when the three cousins were playing hide-and-seek on the estate, Yena and Jungwoo spent hours trying to find the older male and ended up getting the help of the adults as well. It was no use though, as Doyoung was adament on winning the game.

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